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Day 1 (2024-12-27)
- Day 1, 10:00 (02:00): Hye-Eun Kim | Chill Floor
- Day 1, 10:30 (00:30): 38C3: Opening Ceremony | Saal 1
- Day 1, 10:30 (00:30): Opening (Stream aus Saal 1) | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 1, 10:30 (01:00): Welcome Chaosmentors & Opening Event
- Day 1, 10:30 (3 07:59): Software Defined Radio - Capture The Signal (SDRCTS)
- Day 1, 10:42 (03:00): Welcome to the House of Tea! <3 | House of Tea
- Day 1, 11:00 (00:30): Outdoors Workout: Let's sport together! Day 1
- Day 1, 11:00 (00:40): Breaking the Mirror – A Look at Apple’s New iPhone Remote Control Feature | Stage YELL
- Day 1, 11:00 (00:40): Correctiv-Recherche "Geheimplan gegen Deutschland" – 1 Jahr danach | Saal 1
- Day 1, 11:00 (00:40): Typing Culture with Keyboard: Okinawa - Reviving the Japanese Ryukyu-Language through the Art and Precision of Digital Input | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 1, 11:00 (00:40): libobscura: Cameras are difficult | Saal GLITCH
- Day 1, 11:00 (00:45): Wondrous mathematics: How does artificial intelligence like ChatGPT accomplish the feat of learning? | EmbracingHackingOHPs
- Day 1, 11:00 (01:00): Angel Introduction Accessibility (early) | SoS Saal 6
- Day 1, 11:00 (01:00): Look at my toys! (Neurodivergent Meetup) | SoS Saal D
- Day 1, 11:00 (01:00): Telefonarmbänder aus waschbarer Pappe selbermachen I | Kidspace - Basteltische
- Day 1, 11:00 (01:00): VoxelBox Hacking | Saal A - Programmierplätze
- Day 1, 11:00 (02:00): Ein Awareness-Team für den Kidspace - wer macht mit? | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 1, 11:00 (02:00): Getting started with Monero | CDC Pentagon
- Day 1, 11:00 (02:00): PGP key-Signing event | CDC Circle
- Day 1, 11:00 (04:00): Build your own Tangara Session 1 | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower
- Day 1, 11:00 (05:00): Elektrobausteine - Tag 1 | Kidspace - Elektrotisch
- Day 1, 11:00 (06:00): TechNailogy day1 | Call for Art (02floor)
- Day 1, 11:11 (3 00:00): "Attention Is All You Need!" - an Exhibition
- Day 1, 11:15 (01:30): Green Coding: Nachhaltigkeit trotz Digitalisierung | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 1, 12:00 (00:40): "Natürlich bin ich 18!" - Altersprüfungen im Netz aus Datenschutzperspektive | Saal 1
- Day 1, 12:00 (00:40): ACE up the sleeve: Hacking into Apple's new USB-C Controller | Saal GLITCH
- Day 1, 12:00 (00:40): Passierschein SBGG oder auch Geschichten, die mir und anderen auf ihrem Weg passiert sind | Stage YELL
- Day 1, 12:00 (00:40): Police 2.0: Peaceful activism is terrorism and fakenews are facts | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 1, 12:00 (01:00): Vegan Chaos: Welcome Meet & Greet | SoS Saal 6
- Day 1, 12:00 (02:00): Explorations of the Complex Plane [day 1]
- Day 1, 12:00 (02:00): Neidfreie Teilungsprotokolle – faires Kuchenteilen mit Mathematik | SoS Saal D
- Day 1, 12:00 (02:00): pixelprint day1 | Call for Art (ZF1.2)
- Day 1, 12:00 (02:30): Bar de Hose | Chill Floor
- Day 1, 12:00 (03:00): Bau deinen eigenen GameController! | Saal A - Bastel/Hackspace
- Day 1, 12:00 (12:00): Soldering Competition - Day 1 | SegFaultDragons Assembly
- Day 1, 12:00 (14:00): Hand Soldering Competition - Day 1
- Day 1, 12:05 (00:45): Foundation workshop: Hands-on, how does the Internet work? | SoS Saal E
- Day 1, 12:15 (00:15): Curious Community Lab | Hackertours Desk
- Day 1, 12:15 (01:00): sixos: a nix os without systemd | Stage HUFF
- Day 1, 12:30 (02:00): POTA - Parks on the Air [DAY 1]
- Day 1, 12:30 (13:30): Taskhacker - Day 1
- Day 1, 12:55 (00:40): Building Your First LoRa Mesh Network From Scratch | Stage YELL
- Day 1, 12:55 (00:40): Die Geschlechter denen die sie hacken: Selbstbestimmungsgesetz, Pinke Listen, Überwachungsstaat | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 1, 12:55 (00:40): Liberating Wi-Fi on the ESP32 | Saal 1
- Day 1, 12:55 (00:40): Transparency? Not from the European Commission | Saal GLITCH
- Day 1, 12:55 (00:50): Chaospager: How we built an (in-)complete DIY POCSAG Infrastructure for 38c3 | SoS Saal E
- Day 1, 13:00 (00:10): Grand Opening - Call for Stories | Call for Stories (Y12) – Sofa Runde
- Day 1, 13:00 (00:15): NDR Fernsehen (Day 1, 13:00) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 1, 13:00 (01:00): Free style Sado (Easy Lazy Matcha )
- Day 1, 13:00 (01:00): The Hackers Who Brunch - Day 1 | Milliways
- Day 1, 13:00 (01:00): Vector Variations (Day 1 13:00) | Art & Play Bus Stage (H)
- Day 1, 13:00 (01:00): c3Auti 1a | SoS Saal 6
- Day 1, 13:00 (01:30): CCCrip Auskotzrunde reloaded | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 1, 13:00 (02:00): Explorations of the Complex Plane (Day 1) | Call for Art (ZF1.1)
- Day 1, 13:00 (04:00): Tüdeln - A rant on mobile devices | Chaostal Tisch (3)
- Day 1, 13:30 (01:00): CTF: WTF?! - Capture The Flag für Einsteiger | Stage HUFF
- Day 1, 13:45 (00:45): Kommunaler Klimagerechtigkeitsaktivismus | SoS Saal E
- Day 1, 13:50 (00:40): Clay PCB | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 1, 13:50 (00:40): How Roaming Agreements Enable 5G MitM Attacks | Stage YELL
- Day 1, 13:50 (00:40): Life in the Lager: How it is & how to support | Saal GLITCH
- Day 1, 13:50 (00:40): Was lange währt, wird endlich gut? Die Modernisierung des Computerstrafrechts | Saal 1
- Day 1, 14:00 (00:45): Infodesk | SoS Saal D
- Day 1, 14:00 (00:45): Mein starkes Ich (5-7 Jahre) | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 1, 14:00 (00:50): Keine Nullen, keine Einsen, keine Panik - Willkommen in der Welt des analog computing | Saal 5
- Day 1, 14:00 (01:00): Einführung in den Lasercutter für Jugendliche | Saal A - Makespace
- Day 1, 14:00 (01:00): FSFE Women Meetup | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 1, 14:00 (01:00): SHOC Meeting Day 1 | SoS Saal 6
- Day 1, 14:00 (01:30): Cosy chaos crafting | House of Tea
- Day 1, 14:00 (01:30): Genesis: Safely Generating Keys with Chaos
- Day 1, 14:00 (02:00): Code-Based Zero-Knowledge Proofs: The Future of Privacy | CDC Pentagon
- Day 1, 14:00 (02:00): Fantastisches Geschichten Erzählen im Kidspace 1.1 | Kidspace - Affenfelsen
- Day 1, 14:00 (02:00): Kefir Making
- Day 1, 14:00 (02:00): Pimp Your Katzenohren | Kidspace - Basteltische
- Day 1, 14:00 (03:00): Regenbogen-Ring | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 1
- Day 1, 14:15 (01:00): Glasfaser-Spleißworkshop | Chaos Mauldasch Workshopbereich
- Day 1, 14:30 (00:15): European XFEL | Hackertours Desk
- Day 1, 14:30 (00:55): read & delete | Stage HUFF
- Day 1, 14:30 (01:00): Wondrous mathematics: Three bizarre logico-philosophical tales about the axiom of choice | EmbracingHackingOHPs
- Day 1, 14:30 (01:30): Treffen der Bahn-Chaosbubble | SoS Saal E
- Day 1, 14:30 (03:00): Radio Reudnitz | Chill Floor
- Day 1, 14:45 (00:15): Toniebox meet up | SoS Saal D
- Day 1, 14:45 (00:40): BinDa, die flexible Anwesenheitserfassung für Schulen | Stage YELL
- Day 1, 14:45 (00:45): Meine Gefühle sind wichtig! (5-7 Jahre) | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 1, 14:45 (01:00): Breaking NATO Radio Encryption | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 1, 14:45 (01:00): Demystifying Common Microcontroller Debug Protocols | Saal GLITCH
- Day 1, 14:45 (01:00): „Konnte bisher noch nie gehackt werden“: Die elektronische Patientenakte kommt - jetzt für alle! | Saal 1
- Day 1, 14:45 (01:30): Haecksenkarte - what's next? | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 1, 15:00 (00:15): DESY | Hackertours Desk
- Day 1, 15:00 (00:30): Einstieg in OpenStreetMap mit dem Online-Editor iD | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 1, 15:00 (00:45): Diceware Workshop
- Day 1, 15:00 (00:50): Introduction to a Brother embroidery machine 🪡 (Innov-is V3LE)
- Day 1, 15:00 (01:00): Digital Humanities Meetup | B&B Wohnzimmerlounge
- Day 1, 15:00 (01:00): Intro to Ethical Non-Monogamy Q&A for Absolute Beginners | SoS Saal 6
- Day 1, 15:00 (01:00): Meetup: Linksradikal und digital? Yes please! | SoS Saal D
- Day 1, 15:00 (01:30): EmptyChaos - Einleitung & erste Runde(n)
- Day 1, 15:00 (01:30): Make space for collapse - (illegal) instructions for collapsing structures
- Day 1, 15:00 (02:00): LoA
- Day 1, 15:00 (03:00): KI.vodoo (day 1)_stable diffusion Workshop | Art & Play Workshops (H)
- Day 1, 15:00 (04:00): Build your own Tangara Session 2 | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower
- Day 1, 15:10 (00:45): meine erste UEFI-Anwendung | Saal A - Programmierplätze
- Day 1, 15:30 (00:15): NDR Fernsehen (Day 1, 15:30) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 1, 15:30 (00:30): Einführung in den Lasercutter für Mentor*innen | Saal A - Makespace
- Day 1, 15:30 (00:30): Einstieg in JOSM für fortgeschrittene OpenStreetMapper | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 1, 15:30 (00:45): Klare Kommunikation und hohe Energie! (5-7 Jahre) | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 1, 15:30 (01:00): Einführung in päadagogische Basics für für Engel und Mentor*innen + Lötfeen und Lötengeleiführung | Saal 5
- Day 1, 15:45 (00:15): Congress Lounge | Hackertours Desk
- Day 1, 15:45 (00:40): Was tun wenn's brennt – Verhaltenstipps für politische Aktivist*innen | Stage YELL
- Day 1, 15:55 (01:00): Sprechzeiten Faxgeräteclub - Meet & Greet Verwaltungsdigitalisierung
- Day 1, 15:55 (01:00): 🧠🧠💻 Vi User Meetup
- Day 1, 16:00 (00:15): Gängeviertel (Day 1) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 1, 16:00 (01:00): Als die Kommentarspalten brannten – 11 Monate Einsatz in Gaza | Saal GLITCH
- Day 1, 16:00 (01:00): Angel Introduction Accessibility (late) | SoS Saal 6
- Day 1, 16:00 (01:00): Einführung in die Stickmaschine für Jugendliche | Saal A - Makespace
- Day 1, 16:00 (01:00): Hacker Tours | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 1, 16:00 (01:00): Investigating the Iridium Satellite Network | Saal 1
- Day 1, 16:00 (01:00): Reverse engineering U-Boot for fun and profit | Stage HUFF
- Day 1, 16:00 (01:00): Telefonarmbänder aus waschbarer Pappe selbermachen II | Kidspace - Basteltische
- Day 1, 16:00 (01:00): The Holy Trinity of Randomness: Entropy, Chaos, and the Divine
- Day 1, 16:00 (01:00): What the PHUZZ?! Finding 0-days in Web Applications with Coverage-guided Fuzzing | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 1, 16:00 (01:00): 🧠💻 Emacs User Meetup
- Day 1, 16:00 (01:30): Aua! - Sicherheitsstandards im BDSM | SoS Saal E
- Day 1, 16:00 (01:30): Wi-Fi Self Defence For Beginners | Hardware Hacking Area -- Upper
- Day 1, 16:00 (02:00): Hacking Hardware Interfaces for Reticulum | CDC Pentagon
- Day 1, 16:00 (02:00): KinkyGeeks Beginner Bondage Workshop 1 | SoS Saal D
- Day 1, 16:00 (02:00): Linux für Einsteiger:innen (Tag 1) | Saal A - Programmierplätze
- Day 1, 16:00 (02:00): Speaker's Corner Jugendbühne | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 1, 16:15 (02:00): Minecraft Education Beginner Workshop (6+) | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 1, 16:30 (00:30): Forschung Aktuell Deutschlandfunk | Saal X 07
- Day 1, 16:30 (01:30): Enhance Antifa
- Day 1, 16:30 (01:30): Pronomen-Workshop | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 1, 16:40 (00:40): Vortrag: Was tun, wenn man ein Datenleck entdeckt hat?
- Day 1, 16:40 (00:40): Was tun, wenn man ein Datenleck entdeckt hat? | Stage YELL
- Day 1, 17:00 (00:30): Einführung in die Stickmaschine für Mentor*innen | Saal A - Makespace
- Day 1, 17:00 (00:30): Illuminate Your Creativity: Programming LED Badges with Python
- Day 1, 17:00 (00:30): Introduction to Guix
- Day 1, 17:00 (00:45): ALGORHYTHM - Reboot your booty | Saal 3 Bühne
- Day 1, 17:00 (00:45): Physikalische Grundlagen der Klimakrise | "KliMathematik Augsburg" Table
- Day 1, 17:00 (00:45): Q-rious world of Q-theory | KliMathematik Augsburg Table (stage side), look in description
- Day 1, 17:00 (01:00): (some) Hacker Values
- Day 1, 17:00 (01:00): Build your own {event} Fahrplan app for Android | SoS Saal 6
- Day 1, 17:00 (01:00): Einführung in Wikidata | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 1, 17:00 (01:00): Intro Phone Helpdesk Angle
- Day 1, 17:00 (01:00): Matrix Helpdesk & Merch (Day 1)
- Day 1, 17:00 (01:00): Nanoloop chiptune party on GameBoys | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 1, 17:00 (01:00): totholz5d
- Day 1, 17:00 (02:00): Community Network Meetup | Saal 5
- Day 1, 17:00 (02:00): Illegal board games: Let's play provopoly!
- Day 1, 17:15 (00:15): Alter Elbtunnel (Day 1 German) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 1, 17:15 (00:40): From fault injection to RCE: Analyzing a Bluetooth tracker | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 1, 17:15 (01:00): An open-source guide to the galaxy: Our journey with Ariane 6 | Saal GLITCH
- Day 1, 17:15 (01:00): KLARHEIT ALS WAFFE | Saal 1
- Day 1, 17:15 (01:00): Was tun gegen den Rechtsruck (in Ostdeutschland)? - Solidarität! - Das Netzwerk Polylux stellt sich vor! | Stage HUFF
- Day 1, 17:30 (00:30): Nextcloud Kalenderringen - Datenschutzbewusstes teilen von Kalendern | SoS Saal E
- Day 1, 17:30 (00:40): The First Private Hedgehogery | UAct! Assembly
- Day 1, 17:30 (02:30): Semi Nice | Chill Floor
- Day 1, 17:30 (03:00): Install & Play (for almost noobs) with a local AI on your MacBook (M2, M3 or M4)
- Day 1, 17:35 (00:40): Beyond Cryptopartys - wie Aktivistis und Nerds voneinander lernen können | Stage YELL
- Day 1, 18:00 (01:00): (some) Hacker Values (Day 1) | Call for Art (ZF1.1)
- Day 1, 18:00 (01:00): Bits & Bäume Community Meetup | B&B Wohnzimmerlounge
- Day 1, 18:00 (01:00): DJ Ninjagonzo | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 1, 18:00 (01:00): Einführung Wikidata Query Service | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 1, 18:00 (01:00): Fakes, Fakten und die Folgen - Wie Künstliche Intelligenz unsere Realität verzerren kann | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 1, 18:00 (01:00): Jet Lag Battle Royale Workshop for the game (Inspired by Jet Lag The Game)
- Day 1, 18:00 (01:00): MASSAGE-LAN-PARTY | Saal 3 Bühne
- Day 1, 18:00 (01:00): Vector Variations (Day 1 18:00) | Art & Play Bus Stage (H)
- Day 1, 18:00 (01:30): Analyzing Firmware Images
- Day 1, 18:00 (01:30): Build Your Own Satellite Ground Station | Hardware Hacking Area -- Upper
- Day 1, 18:00 (01:30): How to thrive in chaos | SoS Saal E
- Day 1, 18:00 (01:30): VOC: Schichtzuweisung Videomixer Tag 1 | SoS Saal 6
- Day 1, 18:00 (01:45): Lingo Coordination Day 1 | SoS Saal D
- Day 1, 18:00 (02:00): Cheese Rendezvous Day 1
- Day 1, 18:00 (02:00): Fantastisches Geschichten Erzählen im Kidspace 1.2 | Kidspace - Affenfelsen
- Day 1, 18:00 (02:00): Qubes OS Users Meetup
- Day 1, 18:00 (02:00): l‘intérieur sauvage
- Day 1, 18:00 (05:00): Hackaton Attrap | La Table (H2)
- Day 1, 18:15 (00:15): Miniatur Wunderland (day 1) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 1, 18:15 (01:00): Scheduling and Organising Calendars in CNM Relationships - Problems and Solutions (A Conversation) | Relationship Geeks Lounge
- Day 1, 18:15 (01:30): - eine Seite gegen Cyberstalking | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 1, 18:30 (00:15): In science we trust, in unicorns we believe - Gemeinsames Bekenntnis
- Day 1, 18:30 (00:30): The Altar of Open Hardware: A Precursor Meeting
- Day 1, 18:30 (01:30): anders streiten lernen - konflikte, kulturen, methoden // dealing with conflicts differently - conflicts, cultures, methods
- Day 1, 19:00 (00:45): Och Menno - How NOT to build a submarine | Saal X 07
- Day 1, 19:00 (00:45): Personal check-in, emotional sharing [day 1] | House of Tea
- Day 1, 19:00 (01:00): I get a Crisis! fun, Games and bad mood(Day 1 19:00) | Art & Play Bus Stage (H)
- Day 1, 19:00 (01:00): LessWrong/SSC/ACX/Rationality meetup 🧠🔍🤔💡📈
- Day 1, 19:00 (01:00): Rationality Meetup | CDC Pentagon
- Day 1, 19:00 (01:00): ULLA SUSPEKT - live Band | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 1, 19:00 (01:30): Smart Womo | Podcast Tisch (X 12)
- Day 1, 19:00 (02:00): Austausch für Eltern und Bezugspersonen von trans Kindern und nicht binären Kindern auf 38C3 | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 1, 19:00 (02:00): Do It Together - Screen Print / Siebdruck - Day 1 | Call for Art (Eingangshalle)
- Day 1, 19:00 (02:00): Poker Turnier - 2x (1h pro Turnier) - Day 1
- Day 1, 19:00 (03:00): Programmieren in Minecraft | Saal A - Programmierplätze
- Day 1, 19:00 (03:00): tanzvertretung - dance substitute (day 1) | Art & Play Workshops (H)
- Day 1, 19:05 (01:30): What happens when we die? Mexicans know the Answer!
- Day 1, 19:10 (00:45): Checkliste Datenschutzfragen für SW-Auswahl im Bildungsbereich
- Day 1, 19:15 (00:40): BioTerrorism Will Save Your Life with the 4 Thieves Vinegar Collective | Saal 1
- Day 1, 19:15 (00:40): Dead Man’s Switch. An art shield to protect the life of Julian Assange | Saal GLITCH
- Day 1, 19:15 (00:40): From Silicon to Sovereignty: How Advanced Chips are Redefining Global Dominance | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 1, 19:15 (00:40): Rollstuhlgerechte Toiletten | Stage YELL
- Day 1, 19:15 (00:40): Warum Nutzende Logins nerven | Stage HUFF
- Day 1, 19:30 (00:15): Alsterdampfer St. Georg (Day 1) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 1, 19:30 (00:15): Kurzvorstellung Selbstorganisierte Jugendarbeit im Chaos | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 1, 19:30 (01:00): Signal: Einführungsveranstaltung / Updates für wiederkehrende Engel | SoS Saal 6
- Day 1, 19:30 (01:30): Queer Meet Up | SoS Saal E
- Day 1, 19:30 (02:30): Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners (Day 1) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower
- Day 1, 19:45 (01:00): c3Auti 1b | SoS Saal D
- Day 1, 20:00 (00:30): GuteN8Geschichte "Das NEINhorn" - Tag 1 | Kidspace - Affenfelsen
- Day 1, 20:00 (00:30): noisy improvised electronic music solo performance(day 1) | Art & Play Bus Stage (H)
- Day 1, 20:00 (00:45): Die Brandmauer gegen rechts - Schutz oder Gefahr für die Demokratie? | Saal X 07
- Day 1, 20:00 (00:45): Why Russia will be unable to continue the war into 2026 | UAct! Assembly
- Day 1, 20:00 (01:00): Psycare and Safer Nightlife Meetup
- Day 1, 20:00 (01:00): Revolution in Rojava verteidigen – zu den aktuellen Entwicklungen in Syrien
- Day 1, 20:00 (01:00): med5
- Day 1, 20:00 (02:00): AArch64 Linux kernel and DTS hacking | CDC Pentagon
- Day 1, 20:00 (02:00): Anti - work - shop mit Oliotronix & paulaner: befreie den Geist aus der Maschine, das Leben aus dem (toten) Ding und einen Clown in dir.
- Day 1, 20:00 (02:00): Bingo | B&B Wohnzimmerlounge
- Day 1, 20:00 (02:00): Ham radio for geeks - Session I
- Day 1, 20:00 (02:00): Julio Paradise | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 1, 20:00 (02:00): KinkyGeeks Biothane Halsband basteln 1 | KinkyGeeks Assembly (Y7)
- Day 1, 20:00 (02:00): Welcome to Milliways! | Milliways
- Day 1, 20:00 (02:00): Wi-Fi Hacker Hunting | Hardware Hacking Area -- Upper
- Day 1, 20:00 (03:00): 2 parallele Workshops: 0xhaecks_cat-Badge Löten für FLINTA-Personen und Stricken (alle Niveaus) // 2 parallel workshops: soldering 0xhaecks_cat badge (FLINTA only) and knitting (all levels) | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 1, 20:15 (00:40): Decentralize Your Internet with Self-Hosting | Stage HUFF
- Day 1, 20:15 (00:40): Der Thüring-Test für Wahlsoftware | Saal 1
- Day 1, 20:15 (00:40): EU's Digital Identity Systems - Reality Check and Techniques for Better Privacy | Saal GLITCH
- Day 1, 20:15 (00:40): Mit dem Kärcher durch die Datentröge der Polizeien | Stage YELL
- Day 1, 20:15 (00:40): Spatial Interrogations Or the Color of the Sky | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 1, 20:15 (00:45): Femboy Meetup
- Day 1, 20:30 (01:00): Magic the Gathering - Gedanken zu spaßigen Community-Formaten | SoS Saal 6
- Day 1, 20:30 (01:00): Tintin Patrone | Chill Floor
- Day 1, 20:30 (02:00): Cider Flows
- Day 1, 20:45 (00:45): Schiffsromantik Staffel 2 Auftaktgala | Podcast Tisch (X 12)
- Day 1, 21:00 (01:00): Burners meet-up #1
- Day 1, 21:00 (01:00): CERT: Engel Meeting | SoS Saal D
- Day 1, 21:00 (01:00): Deutschlands größter CO2-Emittent und warum du noch nie von ihm gehört hast | SoS Saal E
- Day 1, 21:00 (01:00): Exsuperdisco
- Day 1, 21:00 (01:00): Vegan Chaos: Let's Talk (Day 1) | Vegan Chaos Community
- Day 1, 21:00 (01:30): Alpaka Pub Quiz | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 1, 21:00 (01:30): Der ultimative Rodecaster Pro II Workshop | Saal X 07
- Day 1, 21:00 (03:00): Bday drinks with Aram im CYBER RAUM!!✨🎉
- Day 1, 21:10 (00:40): A dive into DNS | Stage HUFF
- Day 1, 21:10 (00:40): Feelings are Facts: Love, Privacy, and the Politics of Intellectual Shame | Saal 1
- Day 1, 21:10 (00:40): How to Spec - Fun with dinosaurs | Saal GLITCH
- Day 1, 21:10 (00:40): Waiter, There's An LLM In My Search! | Stage YELL
- Day 1, 21:10 (00:40): Was macht ein IT-Systemadministrator in einem Alu-Schmelzwerk (Schafft die Deutsche Industrie die Digitalisierung) | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 1, 21:30 (00:30): Selbsthilfegruppe Finanzmanagement für Neurodivergente Wesen | SoS Saal 6
- Day 1, 21:30 (01:00): Better by Sharing: Open Source Hardware Discussion
- Day 1, 21:30 (02:00): Paradise Hippies | Chill Floor
- Day 1, 21:34 (22:17): BAYWIRES
- Day 1, 21:50 (00:15): Memorizing π for fun | "KliMathematik Augsburg" Table
- Day 1, 21:59 (01:00): Only Fans of Rauchbier
- Day 1, 22:00 (00:30): Schuhe besohlen für Lötengel | Saal 5
- Day 1, 22:00 (00:45): THAI YOGA MASSAGE | Saal 3 Bühne
- Day 1, 22:00 (00:55): Wondrous mathematics: A gentle introduction to P vs. NP, the greatest open question in computer science | KliMathematik Augsburg, look in description
- Day 1, 22:00 (01:00): CPAN Security Group BoF
- Day 1, 22:00 (01:00): Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) MeetUp | SoS Saal D
- Day 1, 22:00 (01:00): I get a Crisis! fun, Games and bad mood(Day 1 22:00) | Art & Play Bus Stage (H)
- Day 1, 22:00 (01:00): RCS - der SMS Nachfolger und wie Google dies für alle kontrollieren kann | SoS Saal 6
- Day 1, 22:00 (01:00): - Communications without "strong selectors"? | House of Tea
- Day 1, 22:00 (01:00): Vaporizer Stammtisch
- Day 1, 22:00 (01:10): Die Demokratische Schule - Der radikalste Schulversuch Deutschlands | SoS Saal E
- Day 1, 22:00 (02:00): Hydra Workshop: Live coding Visuals and live Cameras on the Browser for Artistic Practices (Day 1) | Art & Play Workshops (H)
- Day 1, 22:00 (02:00): Mijk van Dijk | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 1, 22:05 (00:40): Hardware hacking mit Bluetooth Low Energy | Stage HUFF
- Day 1, 22:05 (00:40): Proprietary silicon ICs and dubious marketing claims? Let's fight those with a microscope! | Saal GLITCH
- Day 1, 22:05 (00:40): Wie wird gleich? | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 1, 22:05 (00:40): Wir wissen wo dein Auto steht - Volksdaten von Volkswagen | Saal 1
- Day 1, 22:05 (01:30): Die große Datenschutz-, Datenpannen- und DS-GVO-Show | Stage YELL
- Day 1, 22:05 (01:30): Quizshow: Die große Datenschutz-, Datenpannen- und DS-GVO-Show
- Day 1, 22:30 (02:00): Soldering Sound Kits with Alwin (Day 1) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower
- Day 1, 22:30 (02:00): Soldering Sound/Video Kits with Noisio (Day 1) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Upper
- Day 1, 22:45 (01:30): Ultraschall Workshop | Saal X 07
- Day 1, 23:00 (00:30): Topological quantum field theory visualized: Caught with their pants down | SoS Saal D
- Day 1, 23:00 (00:40): Einstieg in die Teilchenphysik | Stage HUFF
- Day 1, 23:00 (01:00): Hacking the RP2350 | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 1, 23:00 (01:00): IRIS: Non-Destructive Inspection of Silicon | Saal GLITCH
- Day 1, 23:00 (01:00): We've not been trained for this: life after the Newag DRM disclosure | Saal 1
- Day 1, 23:00 (02:00): Chaos Cannabis Cup | House of Tea
- Day 1, 23:00 (03:00): Nintendo Karaoke | Am Spätverkauf
- Day 1, 23:15 (00:45): Neofeudalismus, Cyberpunk und der Gottimperator - Lore und Worldbuilding für Dystopien | SoS Saal 6
- Day 1, 23:30 (00:45): Wondrous mathematics: The curious world of four-dimensional geometry | SoS Saal E
- Day 1, 23:30 (01:00): Sibb | Chill Floor
- Day 1, 23:50 (01:00): Operation Mindfuck Vol. 7 | Stage YELL
- Day 1, 23:55 (00:30): Greg Egan's Schild's Ladder: Vacuum, decoherence and spin networks | "KliMathematik Augsburg" Table
- Day 1, 23:55 (00:40): Instructions unclear - Über die (In-)Accessibility von Symbolen | Stage HUFF
Day 2 (2024-12-28)
- Day 2, 00:00 (01:00): Shitty Robots Unboxing | SoS Saal D
- Day 2, 00:00 (02:00): Bebetta | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 2, 00:00 (02:00): Filmvorführung "Von Menschen, die auf Bäume steigen" | SoS Saal 6
- Day 2, 00:15 (00:40): A Competitive Time-Trial AI for Need for Speed: Most Wanted Using Deep Reinforcement Learning | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 2, 00:15 (00:40): Blåmba! ☎️ Behind the scenes of a 2000s-style ringtone provider | Saal GLITCH
- Day 2, 00:15 (00:40): Desiring Technology. Über Porno, Abhängigkeit und Fortschritt | Saal 1
- Day 2, 00:30 (02:00): Paulina | Chill Floor
- Day 2, 00:50 (00:40): Reticulum: Unstoppable Networks for The People | Stage HUFF
- Day 2, 01:00 (00:45): I wrote a regex compiler to get better at Super Smash Bros. | SoS Saal E
- Day 2, 01:00 (02:00): Synthesizer Meetup [discussion part - this is not the jamsession] [FREE stuff for eurorack beginners] | SoS Saal D
- Day 2, 01:10 (00:40): OpenPV - Calculate the solar potential of your building | Stage YELL
- Day 2, 01:10 (01:30): Fnord-Nachrichtenrückblick 2024 | Saal 1
- Day 2, 02:00 (00:30): Blåhaj / Smolhaj Meetup | SoS Saal 6
- Day 2, 02:00 (02:00): PAREKA | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 2, 02:30 (02:00): cosmic040 | Chill Floor
- Day 2, 03:00 (06:00): Shitty Robots Workshop Teil 1/2 | SoS Saal D
- Day 2, 04:00 (02:00): Tatendrang.wav | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 2, 04:30 (02:30): Translucid & Birthcore | Chill Floor
- Day 2, 08:25 (01:35): 38C3 Netrunners @ Alstervorland Parkrun
- Day 2, 09:15 (01:35): Hack Your Brain: Neurobiologische Tools zum Fokussieren, Lernen und Entspannen | SoS Saal D
- Day 2, 09:30 (01:30): Blocker | SoS Saal E
- Day 2, 10:00 (00:30): lonely@c3
- Day 2, 10:00 (00:45): Junghacker:innentag Einführung | Saal GLITCH
- Day 2, 10:00 (01:00): BTRFS corruption... What now? | SoS Saal 6
- Day 2, 10:00 (02:00): 0xhaecks_cat löten für FLINTA-Personen/ soldering 0xhaecks_cat-Badge (FLINTA only) | Sodlering Area
- Day 2, 10:00 (02:30): AKAAK | Chill Floor
- Day 2, 10:00 (08:00): Hack the CH32V003 10-cent microcontroller chip | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower (extra)
- Day 2, 10:30 (00:15): Rote Flora (Day 2 10:30) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 2, 10:30 (01:30): Drop‐in Meow Mixer Soldering (Day 2) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower
- Day 2, 10:30 (02:00): IoT with Arduino Cloud: Beginner‐ Friendly Workshop | Hardware Hacking Area -- Upper
- Day 2, 10:30 (03:30): Angebote zum Junghacker:innentag rund um Mathematik (inklusive mathematische Zaubertricks! Erwachsene auch willkommen) | PlaceholderForSaalA
- Day 2, 10:45 (00:15): MS Stubnitz Culture.Spaceship Day 2 | Hackertours Desk
- Day 2, 10:50 (00:40): Selbsthilfegruppe Verwaltungsdigitalisierung ("Faxgeräteclub") | SoS Saal D
- Day 2, 11:00 (00:30): Bewegung und Freiheit | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 2, 11:00 (00:30): LED-Klammern löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 1
- Day 2, 11:00 (00:30): Outdoors Workout: Let's sport together! Day 2
- Day 2, 11:00 (00:40): From Critical Making via unmaking towards (un)making | Stage HUFF
- Day 2, 11:00 (00:40): Illegal instructions by legals - Anweisungen für den anwaltlich begleiteten Rechtsbruch | Saal 1
- Day 2, 11:00 (00:40): Opt Green: Coordinating a Windows 10-to-Linux upcycling campaign across Free Software communities worldwide | Stage YELL
- Day 2, 11:00 (00:40): Role Play as Resistance: Challenging Securitization Through Activism in a place in EastAfrica | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 2, 11:00 (00:45): Nudeln hacken 2.1 | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 2, 11:00 (00:55): Kinky Chaos Meetup | SoS Saal E
- Day 2, 11:00 (01:00): Knautschi Workshop 1 | Kidspace - Basteltische
- Day 2, 11:00 (01:00): Rockets löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 2
- Day 2, 11:00 (01:00): Wie aus Einsen und Nullen ein Computer wird. | Saal A - Makespace
- Day 2, 11:00 (01:30): Fairydust-Türöffner-Tag | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 2, 11:00 (01:30): Fairydust-Türöffner-Tag (Tour 1)
- Day 2, 11:00 (01:30): Podcasting für Einsteiger*innen | Podcast Tisch (X 12)
- Day 2, 11:00 (01:30): Workshop der Schiedsstelle des CCC | SoS Saal 6
- Day 2, 11:00 (02:00): Lightning Talks Day 2 | Saal GLITCH
- Day 2, 11:00 (02:00): Munchkin | Kidspace - Affenfelsen
- Day 2, 11:00 (03:00): Minetest erkunden | Kidspace - Hackcenter
- Day 2, 11:00 (03:00): PrintCycle day2.1 | Call for Art (Eingangshalle)
- Day 2, 11:00 (03:30): Angebote zum Junghacker:innentag rund um Mathematik (Erwachsene auch willkommen) | Saal A - Tischinsel
- Day 2, 11:00 (05:00): Elektrobausteine - Tag 2 | Kidspace - Elektrotisch
- Day 2, 11:00 (12:00): Robot programming for kids [Junghackerinnentag]
- Day 2, 11:30 (00:30): Geocaching Meetup
- Day 2, 11:30 (00:30): LED-Klammern löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 1
- Day 2, 11:30 (01:00): Glasfaser-Spleißworkshop | Chaos Mauldasch Workshopbereich
- Day 2, 11:30 (01:00): On the Limits of Decentralization | CDC Pentagon
- Day 2, 11:30 (01:30): Vegan Chaos: Bring-Along Fingerfood Brunch | SoS Saal D
- Day 2, 11:45 (02:00): Superpep the web! Let's build web experiences that don't make people puke. | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 2, 12:00 (00:15): MORNING MEDITATION | Saal 3 Bühne
- Day 2, 12:00 (00:15): Train Museum Lokschuppen Aumühle | Hackertours Desk
- Day 2, 12:00 (00:30): Einführung in pädagogische Basics für Engel und Mentor*innen (Tag 2) | Saal 5
- Day 2, 12:00 (00:30): LED-Klammern löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 1
- Day 2, 12:00 (00:40): Digitalisierung mit der Brechstange | Saal 1
- Day 2, 12:00 (00:40): Gemeinwohlorientierte Forschung mit KI: Missbrauch eindämmen durch Zweckbindung für KI-Modelle | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 2, 12:00 (00:40): Transitous - offener Routingdienst für öffentliche Verkehrsmittel | Stage YELL
- Day 2, 12:00 (00:45): Nudeln hacken 2.2 | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 2, 12:00 (00:45): Was ist wirklich los in Syrien? | SoS Saal E
- Day 2, 12:00 (01:00): Haecksenlicht basteln | Haecksen-Assembly
- Day 2, 12:00 (01:00): Lötfiguren löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 2
- Day 2, 12:00 (01:30): Energieverbrauch. Wie kommt man zur NULL?
- Day 2, 12:00 (01:30): Minecraft Server selbst hosten | Saal A - Programmierplätze
- Day 2, 12:00 (02:00): Hackspace-Vorstellungen | Stage HUFF
- Day 2, 12:00 (02:00): KinkyGeeks PreParty Get-Together | KinkyGeeks Assembly (Y7)
- Day 2, 12:00 (02:00): Lockpicking für Junghacker*innen
- Day 2, 12:00 (02:00): Unicorn Nail Salon
- Day 2, 12:00 (03:00): Baut und programmiert einen Roboterarm | Saal A - Bastel/Hackspace
- Day 2, 12:00 (04:00): Druck-Workshop (Linoleum/Siebdruck/Riso-Printing) und Rundgang
- Day 2, 12:00 (09:40): Radio FoxHunt / Transmitter hunt
- Day 2, 12:00 (12:00): Soldering Competition - Day 2 | SegFaultDragons Assembly
- Day 2, 12:00 (13:00): Taskhacker - Day 2
- Day 2, 12:30 (00:15): Rote Flora (Day 2 12:30) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 2, 12:30 (00:25): Japanese Speakers Meetup | SoS Saal 6
- Day 2, 12:30 (00:30): LED-Klammern löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 1
- Day 2, 12:30 (02:00): Gregoa | Chill Floor
- Day 2, 12:30 (02:00): POTA - Parks on the Air [DAY 2]
- Day 2, 12:30 (02:30): Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners (Day 2a) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower
- Day 2, 12:30 (03:00): Eine kleine Nerdmusique / Gregoa | Chill Floor
- Day 2, 12:45 (01:00): "Kein Backup, kein..." "Fresse!" - Wie kann unsere Community zugänglicher und einstiegsfreundlicher werden? | SoS Saal E
- Day 2, 12:55 (00:40): A policy black hole. How Europol and Frontex anticipated their high tech future and why this matters to you. | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 2, 12:55 (00:40): Erpressung aus dem Internet - auf den Spuren der Cybermafia | Saal 1
- Day 2, 12:55 (00:40): Relationship Anarchy (Workshop) | SoS Saal 6
- Day 2, 12:55 (00:40): Schulen der Zukunft: Warum wir MakerSpaces brauchen | Stage YELL
- Day 2, 13:00 (00:30): LED-Klammern löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 1
- Day 2, 13:00 (00:45): MACHEN statt Meckern: Mit Open Source & politischem Engagement die Energiewende gewinnen | Saal 5
- Day 2, 13:00 (01:00): Breitband Deutschlandfunk Kultur | Saal X 07
- Day 2, 13:00 (01:00): Nitrokey 3 introduction and in depth
- Day 2, 13:00 (01:00): RJ45 Keychain
- Day 2, 13:00 (01:00): Rockets löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 2
- Day 2, 13:00 (01:00): The Hackers Who Brunch - Day 2 | Milliways
- Day 2, 13:00 (01:00): Vector Variations (Day 2 13:00) | Art & Play Bus Stage (H)
- Day 2, 13:00 (01:00): destruction day2.1 | Call for Art (GAME)
- Day 2, 13:00 (01:30): ACRO YOGA FLOW - dive through | Saal 3 Bühne
- Day 2, 13:00 (01:30): Chaos-Museums-Eisenbahner
- Day 2, 13:00 (01:30): Junghackerinnentag Soldering | Sodlering Area
- Day 2, 13:00 (01:30): Make space for collapse - (illegal) instructions for collapsing structures (Day 2)
- Day 2, 13:00 (01:30): Podcasting für Junghacker*innen | Podcast Tisch (X 12)
- Day 2, 13:00 (02:00): Haecksen-Picknick 1 - für künftige Haecksen | SoS Saal D
- Day 2, 13:00 (02:00): pixelprint day2 | Call for Art (ZF1.2)
- Day 2, 13:00 (03:00): Freifunk und Gluon Meetup | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 2, 13:00 (03:00): Tüdeln - Part 2 | Chaostal Tisch (3)
- Day 2, 13:00 (03:30): Arduino For Total Newbies workshop | Hardware Hacking Area -- Upper
- Day 2, 13:00 (04:00): Introduction to Nintendo DS Homebrew Hacking
- Day 2, 13:12 (01:00): Sweet dates in your area – Date tasting (it's about food)
- Day 2, 13:30 (00:15): Alternative Hafenrundfahrt (Tag 2 Deutsch) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 2, 13:30 (00:30): From Cypherpunks to Crypto Priests: Mastering PGP
- Day 2, 13:30 (00:30): LED-Klammern löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 1
- Day 2, 13:30 (00:45): meowing session
- Day 2, 13:30 (01:00): From Pegasus to Predator - The evolution of Commercial Spyware on iOS | Saal GLITCH
- Day 2, 13:40 (00:20): Rotary Meeting | SoS Saal 6
- Day 2, 13:40 (00:45): Priorities, Needs and Power Dynamics - Concepts beyond Hierarchy | Relationship Geeks Lounge
- Day 2, 13:45 (00:30): Single-rope bondage for all - beginner workshop | SoS Saal E
- Day 2, 13:45 (02:00): Musik programmieren mit Sonic Pi (ohne Vorkenntnisse) | Saal A - Programmierplätze
- Day 2, 13:50 (00:40): Automated Malfare - discriminatory effects of welfare automation | Stage YELL
- Day 2, 13:50 (00:40): Pirouette Machines. Fluid Components | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 2, 13:50 (00:40): Wann klappt der Anschluss, wann nicht und wie sagt man Chaos vorher? | Saal 1
- Day 2, 14:00 (00:01): Air Quality Sensor Soldering Workshop
- Day 2, 14:00 (00:30): AMA: I did a Coding Bootcamp and now worked for 1 year
- Day 2, 14:00 (00:30): Einführung in pädagogische Basics für Engel und Mentor*innen (Tag 2) | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 2, 14:00 (00:30): LED-Klammern löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 1
- Day 2, 14:00 (00:45): Einen Digital-O-Maten für die BTW 2025 bauen
- Day 2, 14:00 (00:45): Kino: Ada & Zangemann - Ein Märchen über Software, Skateboards und Himbeereis | Saal 5
- Day 2, 14:00 (00:45): Mein starkes Ich (8-10 Jahre) | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 2, 14:00 (01:00): I get a Crisis! fun, Games and bad mood(Day 2 14:00) | Art & Play Bus Stage (H)
- Day 2, 14:00 (01:00): Malspaziergang
- Day 2, 14:00 (01:00): Microscope Nerds and IC Die Photography Meetup
- Day 2, 14:00 (01:00): Microscope Nerds and IC Die Photography Meetup (Actual Time!)
- Day 2, 14:00 (01:00): Rockets löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 2
- Day 2, 14:00 (01:00): SHOC Meeting Day 2 | SoS Saal 6
- Day 2, 14:00 (01:00): Tübinger Meetup - der CTT stellt sich vor (Day 2)
- Day 2, 14:00 (01:00): Waffen und Schießsport: ein queerer Erfahrungsaustausch
- Day 2, 14:00 (01:22): Inventar im Chaos: Wo habe ich meine Winkekatze gelassen?
- Day 2, 14:00 (01:30): Spielerisch das Bewusstsein für und den Austausch über Diversität fördern | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 2, 14:00 (02:00): Action climbing for newcomers // Aktionsklettern für Anfänger*innen | Main entrance meeting point
- Day 2, 14:00 (02:00): Fantastisches Geschichten Erzählen im Kidspace 2.1 | Kidspace - Basteltische
- Day 2, 14:00 (02:00): Filmvorführer und Unikinos trefft euch
- Day 2, 14:00 (02:00): Gleiche Brust für Alle! Erstelle einen Gipsabruck deiner Brust
- Day 2, 14:00 (02:00): Jonglieren Lernen für Klein und Groß 1
- Day 2, 14:00 (02:00): Kimchi Making
- Day 2, 14:00 (02:00): PGP key-Signing event
- Day 2, 14:00 (02:00): Rubik's Cube Workshop (6+) | Kidspace - Affenfelsen
- Day 2, 14:00 (02:00): Tune Your Chat - Tips & Tricks
- Day 2, 14:15 (00:15): Alter Elbtunnel (Day 2 English) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 2, 14:15 (00:20): Software accessibility without the fuzz | Stage HUFF
- Day 2, 14:15 (01:00): Glasfaser-Spleißworkshop | Chaos Mauldasch Workshopbereich
- Day 2, 14:20 (00:30): Mittelhochdeutsche Literatur lesen | SoS Saal E
- Day 2, 14:30 (00:30): Assemblies introduction | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 2, 14:30 (00:30): Das CAD neu erfinden - CADability - Open source CAD-Software sucht Entwickler
- Day 2, 14:30 (00:30): LED-Klammern löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 1
- Day 2, 14:30 (00:50): [Ausgebucht] Einführung in eine Brother-Stickmaschine 🪡 (Innov-is V3LE) [fully booked]
- Day 2, 14:30 (01:00): FabAccess Meetup
- Day 2, 14:30 (01:00): Queer MeetUp (former C3Twink)
- Day 2, 14:30 (01:30): Awareness - Vernetzung / Awareness - Standards
- Day 2, 14:30 (02:00): Godot Lunch
- Day 2, 14:30 (02:00): Nerds spielen Spiele | Saal A - Tischinsel
- Day 2, 14:45 (00:40): Prototypes to Props: How to Build and Hack in the Film/TV Industry | Stage HUFF
- Day 2, 14:45 (00:45): How the strange parallel universes of quantum mechanics conspire to enable quantum computing and that light travels in straight lines | KliMathematik Augsburg Table (stage side), look in description
- Day 2, 14:45 (00:45): Meine Gefühle sind wichtig! (8-10 Jahre) | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 2, 14:45 (01:00): Fearsome File Formats | Saal 1
- Day 2, 14:45 (01:00): MacOS Location Privacy Red Pill: A Rabbit Hole Resulting in 24 CVEs | Saal GLITCH
- Day 2, 14:45 (01:00): Navigating the grey | Stage YELL
- Day 2, 14:45 (01:00): State of Surveillance: A year of digital threats to civil society | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 2, 14:50 (01:00): Time travel: A talk you cannot miss | SoS Saal E
- Day 2, 15:00 (00:15): A lost art: forgotten primitives for a decentralized web | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 2, 15:00 (00:15): Kurzvorstellung Selbstorganisierte Jugendarbeit im Chaos | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 2, 15:00 (00:30): LED-Klammern löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 1
- Day 2, 15:00 (01:00): ANIMAL MOVEMENTS FOR HUMANS | Saal 3 Bühne
- Day 2, 15:00 (01:00): ElementaryOS users/Vala developers meet
- Day 2, 15:00 (01:00): Getting started with Pocket Science Lab
- Day 2, 15:00 (01:00): Gloomhaven / Frosthaven Meetup (App users)
- Day 2, 15:00 (01:00): Hi4SL
- Day 2, 15:00 (01:00): Meet the Funders: Sovereign Tech Agency, NLnet, Prototype Fund | SoS Saal D
- Day 2, 15:00 (01:00): Rockets löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 2
- Day 2, 15:00 (01:00): Sample Crunch for Musik Producer | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 2, 15:00 (01:00): TINte Netzwerktreffen
- Day 2, 15:00 (01:00): Wie aus Einsen und Nullen ein Computer wird. | Saal A - Makespace
- Day 2, 15:00 (01:30): Chaos Computer Craft | Haecksen-Assembly
- Day 2, 15:00 (01:30): Fairydust-Türöffner-Tag (Tour 2)
- Day 2, 15:00 (01:30): Raketen bauen und fliegen lassen | Saal A - Bastel/Hackspace
- Day 2, 15:00 (02:00): EmptyChaos - Code´n´Play
- Day 2, 15:00 (02:00): Karaoke im Bällebad
- Day 2, 15:00 (02:00): Kinderschminken | Kidspace - Spielparadies
- Day 2, 15:00 (02:00): MiniDisc Meetup 💽
- Day 2, 15:00 (02:00): NGOs technisch effektiv unterstützen / Effective technical support for NGOs
- Day 2, 15:00 (02:00): Radikale Therapie: Infoveranstaltung und ausprobieren | KliMathematik Augsburg, look in description
- Day 2, 15:00 (02:00): Selbsthilfegruppe Open Platform Communication / Unified Architecture
- Day 2, 15:00 (03:00): KI.vodoo (day 2)_ second part of the stable diffusion workshop | Art & Play Workshops (H)
- Day 2, 15:00 (03:00): Luanti-Mods programmieren (ehemals Minetest)
- Day 2, 15:01 (00:59): c3Auti 2 | SoS Saal 6
- Day 2, 15:10 (00:45): Datenschutz für Lehrkräfte (und Schulleitungen) | Saal 5
- Day 2, 15:15 (00:30): Becoming-imperceptible in the age of data capture | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 2, 15:15 (00:30): Meetup: eBike
- Day 2, 15:30 (00:15): Wie funktioniert eigentlich das Internet? | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 2, 15:30 (00:30): LED-Klammern löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 1
- Day 2, 15:30 (00:30): Open Hardware Allianz DE Meetup
- Day 2, 15:30 (00:45): Klare Kommunikation und hohe Energie! (8-10 Jahre) | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 2, 15:30 (01:30): BadUSB Hacking with the USB Nugget | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower
- Day 2, 15:30 (01:30): NixOS Install Party
- Day 2, 15:30 (02:00): Mme Bing | Chill Floor
- Day 2, 15:40 (01:30): Workshop: Programmierung eines echten Quantencomputers von IBM | KliMathematik Augsburg Table (stage side), look in description
- Day 2, 15:45 (00:10): Vorstellung Jugend hackt Jugendbeirat | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 2, 15:45 (00:30): Not Your Keys, Not Your Name | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 2, 15:45 (00:40): Fehlercode 406: Request not acceptable. Digitalzwang als Human Security-Problem | Stage HUFF
- Day 2, 15:45 (01:30): Haecksen goes Conference | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 2, 16:00 (00:15): Gängeviertel (Day 2 English) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 2, 16:00 (00:30): Binärgewitter Hörertreffen
- Day 2, 16:00 (00:30): Legale, halblegale und andere Tricks, um ohne Geld durch die Welt zu reisen – Teil 1 | SoS Saal 6
- Day 2, 16:00 (00:30): Linux on Mobile
- Day 2, 16:00 (01:00): 10 years of emulating the Nintendo 3DS: A tale of ninjas, lemons, and pandas | Saal GLITCH
- Day 2, 16:00 (01:00): Burners meet-up #2
- Day 2, 16:00 (01:00): CTF - was 'n das? | Saal 5
- Day 2, 16:00 (01:00): DN42 meetup | House of Tea
- Day 2, 16:00 (01:00): Der Schlüssel zur COMpromittierung: Local Privilege Escalation Schwachstellen in AV/EDRs | Stage YELL
- Day 2, 16:00 (01:00): Discussion: Teaching how to hack / Gesprächsrunde: Hacking in der Lehre
- Day 2, 16:00 (01:00): Kinderdisco mit dj KEKSE | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 2, 16:00 (01:00): Rockets löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 2
- Day 2, 16:00 (01:00): Self Models of Loving Grace | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 2, 16:00 (01:00): Snakedance
- Day 2, 16:00 (01:00): Wie aus Einsen und Nullen ein Computer wird. | Saal A - Makespace
- Day 2, 16:00 (01:00): anders streiten lernen 2 - Perspektivwechseln mit der Mahloquet, einer etwas anderen Dialog-Methode
- Day 2, 16:00 (01:00): destruction day2.2 | Call for Art (GAME)
- Day 2, 16:00 (01:10): Arch Linux user meetup | SoS Saal E
- Day 2, 16:00 (01:30): DIY HRT Meetup 🏳️⚧️🏴☠️ | SoS Saal D
- Day 2, 16:00 (01:30): Reversing Firmware Blobs
- Day 2, 16:00 (02:00): 'Home-hosted', 'locally distributed' Kubernetes on Single Board Computers
- Day 2, 16:00 (02:00): Der CCC-Jahresrückblick | Saal 1
- Day 2, 16:00 (02:00): Linux für Einsteiger:innen (Tag 2) | Saal A - Programmierplätze
- Day 2, 16:00 (02:00): Speaker's Corner Jugendbühne | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 2, 16:00 (03:00): Do It Together - Screen Print / Siebdruck - Day 2 | Call for Art (Eingangshalle)
- Day 2, 16:15 (00:30): Radicle: P2P, Censorship-Resistant Code Collaboration Based on Git | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 2, 16:15 (02:00): Go-Workshop | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 2, 16:30 (00:30): Computer und Kommunikation Deutschlandfunk | Saal X 07
- Day 2, 16:30 (00:30): Cybersyndikalistas Meetup: Mietshäusersyndikat auf dem 38C3
- Day 2, 16:30 (00:30): Wormholes: A little go-through | "KliMathematik Augsburg" Table
- Day 2, 16:30 (01:30): Conjuring AI Angels: Summoning Wisdom in the Age of Algorithms
- Day 2, 16:30 (01:30): Instant Ramen Powder Workshop Day 2
- Day 2, 16:30 (01:30): Tryton Meetup | SoS Saal 6
- Day 2, 16:30 (01:30): Wir zocken Kartenspiele | playing card games
- Day 2, 16:40 (00:40): 7 Years Later: Why And How To Make Portable Open Hardware Computers | Stage HUFF
- Day 2, 16:45 (00:20): Self-Authenticating TLS Certificates for Tor Onion Services | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 2, 17:00 (00:30): Disinfo weather report | UAct! Assembly
- Day 2, 17:00 (00:30): Guix patch creation and review session
- Day 2, 17:00 (00:30): Update LED Badge embedded software
- Day 2, 17:00 (00:45): FOSS Android App and F-Droid Community Meetup
- Day 2, 17:00 (01:00): DearMEP: FOSS Campaigning Tool for EU Parliament | Saal 5
- Day 2, 17:00 (01:00): Introduction to RealTime 3D Graphics and OpenGL fragment Shader coding
- Day 2, 17:00 (01:00): LoAs Tinkturen workshop
- Day 2, 17:00 (01:00): Matrix Community Meet & Greet (+ Group Photo!)
- Day 2, 17:00 (01:00): Matrix Helpdesk & Merch (Day 2)
- Day 2, 17:00 (01:00): OpenStreetMap Meetup | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 2, 17:00 (01:00): Personal Autonomous System (AS) Owner & Operator Meetup | B&B Wohnzimmerlounge
- Day 2, 17:00 (01:00): Rockets löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 1
- Day 2, 17:00 (01:00): Warum genau Du genau jetzt mit Amateurfunk anfangen solltest 2.0
- Day 2, 17:00 (01:00): Wie aus Einsen und Nullen ein Computer wird. | Saal A - Makespace
- Day 2, 17:00 (01:30): Seriensprech - Star Trek: Lower Decks | Podcast Tisch (X 12)
- Day 2, 17:00 (02:00): scooter and lithium-battery hands-on (advanced)
- Day 2, 17:00 (03:00): Trigg ‐ Build an Open‐Hardware Portable Handheld Games Console | Hardware Hacking Area -- Upper
- Day 2, 17:01 (01:00): Shibari for beginners
- Day 2, 17:05 (00:20): Scaling Namecoin | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 2, 17:15 (00:30): Jewish Meet-Up and Hannukah celebration 🕎
- Day 2, 17:15 (00:45): Don’t let them take abortion offline! w/ Women on Web | SoS Saal E
- Day 2, 17:15 (01:00): From Covidiots to Meliorator: Guiding Students through an OSINT Research Project balancing Telegram Disinfo Groups and Russian State Influence | Stage YELL
- Day 2, 17:15 (01:00): arafed futures - An Artist Dialogue on Chip Storage and AI Accelerationism | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 2, 17:15 (01:00): io_uring, eBPF, XDP and AF_XDP | Saal GLITCH
- Day 2, 17:25 (00:20): Protecting Namecoin Users from Their Mistakes: Namecoin Wallet UX | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 2, 17:30 (00:15): Tour of the Giants (Day 2) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 2, 17:30 (00:30): Aktivistische trans*-Vernetzung − Aktionstag trans*Gesundheit / trans* activism and healthcare action day | SoS Saal D
- Day 2, 17:30 (01:00): Vegan Chaos: Let's Talk (Day 2) | Vegan Chaos Community
- Day 2, 17:30 (01:30): LET'S PLAY : MUSICTHEATRE
- Day 2, 17:30 (01:30): Weil es uns alle angeht. Die Verantwortung von Communitys im Umgang mit Belästigung und sexualisierter Gewalt | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 2, 17:30 (02:30): Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners (Day 2b) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower
- Day 2, 17:30 (03:00): Laetizia & N:in | Chill Floor
- Day 2, 17:35 (00:40): Der Mythos der „gezielten Tötung”. Zur Verantwortung von KI-gestützten Zielsystemen am Beispiel „Lavender“ | Stage HUFF
- Day 2, 17:45 (00:30): Why Scaling Matters - Scaling Monero | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 2, 18:00 (00:15): Alter Elbtunnel (Day 2 German) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 2, 18:00 (01:00): Bits & Bäume Community Meetup | B&B Wohnzimmerlounge
- Day 2, 18:00 (01:00): CFP: Emanzipiertes #Social #Web für Unprivilegierte | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 2, 18:00 (01:00): Hacker*innen Jeopardy | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 2, 18:00 (01:00): Rockets löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 2
- Day 2, 18:00 (01:00): Self-Guided Workshop on Programming LED Badges with Python and Go
- Day 2, 18:00 (01:00): Vector Variations (Day 2 18:00) | Art & Play Workshops (H)
- Day 2, 18:00 (01:00): ill struct - live Band | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 2, 18:00 (01:00): tech from below | SoS Saal E
- Day 2, 18:00 (01:30): Getting started with oreboot
- Day 2, 18:00 (01:30): Hack a network switch
- Day 2, 18:00 (01:30): Passwort - der heise security Podcast auf dem 38C3 | Saal X 07
- Day 2, 18:00 (01:30): VOC: Schichtzuweisung Videomixer Tag 2 | SoS Saal 6
- Day 2, 18:00 (01:30): on the first night we looked at maps(day 2 18:00) | Art & Play Bus Stage (H)
- Day 2, 18:00 (01:45): Lingo Coordination Day 2 | SoS Saal D
- Day 2, 18:00 (02:00): Fantastisches Geschichten Erzählen im Kidspace 2.2 | Kidspace - Affenfelsen
- Day 2, 18:00 (02:00): LED&Schrumpffolie Workshop | Sodlering Area
- Day 2, 18:00 (02:00): Pentagame | Saal 5
- Day 2, 18:00 (02:00): Typografie-Schild/ Anhänger | Saal A - Bastel/Hackspace
- Day 2, 18:00 (02:30): Hacking OHPs day2.1 | Call for Art (ZF1.2)
- Day 2, 18:00 (02:30): OpenBikeSensor Lite | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower (extra)
- Day 2, 18:15 (00:15): Miniatur Wunderland (day 2) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 2, 18:15 (00:30): CROSS - Codes and Restricted Objects Signature Scheme | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 2, 18:30 (02:00): Beer-Tasting at FoodHackingBase, Day 2 18:30
- Day 2, 18:30 (02:00): Franconian Beer Tasting
- Day 2, 18:30 (02:00): Virtuelle Eurorack Synthesizer mit VCV Rack | Saal A - Programmierplätze
- Day 2, 18:30 (02:30): Zocking Around the Christmas Tree
- Day 2, 18:45 (00:30): Network States in Action: Challenges in Launching a Monero Hackerspace | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 2, 19:00 (00:15): In science we trust, in unicorns we believe - Gemeinsames Bekenntnis
- Day 2, 19:00 (00:45): Lass mal Apps hacken | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 2, 19:00 (01:00): AMAp – Automate My Art, please! | Call for Art (ZF1.1)
- Day 2, 19:00 (01:00): AlphaMob | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 2, 19:00 (01:00): Rockets löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 2
- Day 2, 19:00 (01:00): isotonik
- Day 2, 19:00 (01:30): Bildungsmaterialien zum Digitalen Kapitalismus | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 2, 19:00 (01:30): Wie steht es um die IT-Sicherheit in Deutschland und Europa | Podcast Tisch (X 12)
- Day 2, 19:00 (02:00): Poker Turnier - 2x (1h pro Turnier) - Day 2
- Day 2, 19:00 (02:00): Trans Lesbianism
- Day 2, 19:00 (03:00): PrintCycle day2.2 | Call for Art (Eingangshalle)
- Day 2, 19:00 (03:00): US Amateur Radio Exam
- Day 2, 19:15 (00:30): Commons Hub: An experimental playground for post-capitalist systems design | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 2, 19:15 (00:40): Let’s spark children’s interest in coding | Stage YELL
- Day 2, 19:15 (01:00): Autoritäre Zeitenwende im Zeitraffer | Saal GLITCH
- Day 2, 19:15 (01:00): Hacking yourself a satellite - recovering BEESAT-1 | Saal 1
- Day 2, 19:15 (01:00): Mailen, ohne dass mich meine Mailbox erschlägt - wie kann ich ein (inzwischen missverstandenes) Medium geschickt nutzen? | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 2, 19:15 (01:00): Navigating Polyamory – An Interactive Workshop | SoS Saal E
- Day 2, 19:15 (01:00): The master key | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 2, 19:15 (01:00): Windows BitLocker: Screwed without a Screwdriver | Stage HUFF
- Day 2, 19:30 (01:00): JuliaLang: Meetup | SoS Saal 6
- Day 2, 19:45 (00:45): ComeFlyWithUs Podcast | Saal X 07
- Day 2, 20:00 (00:30): Flunkyball
- Day 2, 20:00 (00:30): GuteN8Geschichte "Das NEINhorn und die Schlangeweile" - Tag 2 | Kidspace - Affenfelsen
- Day 2, 20:00 (00:42): Vernetzungstreffen ÖRR | B&B Wohnzimmerlounge
- Day 2, 20:00 (00:45): (Achtung Verschoben!! ) Desinformation? Sieht doch ganz seriös aus. - Doppelgänger-Webseiten | UAct! Assembly
- Day 2, 20:00 (00:45): Diskussionsrunde zu Programmierung auf Typ- statt Implementations Ebene (Abhängige Typen, automatisches Beweisen, Prolog) | "KliMathematik Augsburg" Table
- Day 2, 20:00 (00:45): howling/barking session
- Day 2, 20:00 (01:00): Esels Alptraum - Antikapitalistisches Jodel-Duo | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 2, 20:00 (01:00): Festnacht
- Day 2, 20:00 (01:00): Museum Of No Art | Chill Floor
- Day 2, 20:00 (01:00): experimental hybrid livecoding performance(day 2) | Art & Play Bus Stage (H)
- Day 2, 20:00 (01:30): Alpaka Pub Quiz | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 2, 20:00 (02:00): 2. Congress Skatturnier auf dem 38c3 - 1. Serie | SoS Saal D
- Day 2, 20:00 (02:00): International Meetup | Milliways
- Day 2, 20:10 (02:00): Off-the-Grid P2P Communication Meetup | Saal 5
- Day 2, 20:15 (00:30): DON'T FEAR THE BLOCKCHAIN: The Countercultures of Crypto | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 2, 20:15 (00:40): Einstieg in den Amateurfunk | Stage YELL
- Day 2, 20:15 (01:30): Resistance against dictatorship in Belarus in times of war [EN] by Anarchist Black Cross Belarus | SoS Saal E
- Day 2, 20:30 (00:30): Legale, halblegale und andere Tricks, um ohne Geld durch die Welt zu reisen – Teil 2 | SoS Saal 6
- Day 2, 20:30 (00:40): Künstliche Intelligenz und Menschenrechte | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 2, 20:30 (00:45): LEO Constellations: Starlink, OneWeb & everything else
- Day 2, 20:30 (01:00): Binging on drug checking data | Stage HUFF
- Day 2, 20:30 (01:00): Fake-Shops von der Stange: BogusBazaar | Saal 1
- Day 2, 20:30 (01:00): Guardians of the Onion: Ensuring the Health and Resilience of the Tor Network | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 2, 20:30 (01:00): Vectors, Pixels, Plotters and Public Participation | Saal GLITCH
- Day 2, 20:30 (01:30): SQL injection basics interaktiv | Saal A - Programmierplätze
- Day 2, 20:30 (01:30): Trans Austauschrunde | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 2, 20:30 (02:00): Communicating through movement: an introduction to dancing West Coast Swing (Workshop)
- Day 2, 20:30 (02:00): One-on-ones, or, how to talk to your manager
- Day 2, 20:30 (02:00): Setting Up BTCPay Server with Monero Support Using Docker | CDC Pentagon
- Day 2, 20:30 (02:00): Soldering Sound Kits with Alwin (Day 2) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower
- Day 2, 20:30 (02:00): Soldering Sound/Video Kits with Noisio (Day 2) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Upper
- Day 2, 20:30 (02:00): Whiskey Tasting
- Day 2, 20:30 (02:30): Writing Workshop - Schreibworkshop
- Day 2, 21:00 (00:45): ALGORHYTHM - Reboot your booty | Saal 3 Bühne
- Day 2, 21:00 (00:45): Binärgewitter Talk Live | Podcast Tisch (X 12)
- Day 2, 21:00 (00:45): Wondrous mathematics: An introduction to numbers larger than infinity and the mathematical multiverse | "KliMathematik Augsburg" Table
- Day 2, 21:00 (01:00): (some) Hacker Values (Day 2) | Call for Art (ZF1.1)
- Day 2, 21:00 (01:00): (some) Hacker Values 2
- Day 2, 21:00 (01:00): Delta Chat - from secure e-mail messaging to Peer-to-Peer realtime networking | SoS Saal 6
- Day 2, 21:00 (01:00): Júlio | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 2, 21:00 (01:30): on the first night we looked at maps(day 2 21:00) | Art & Play Bus Stage (H)
- Day 2, 21:00 (02:00): Block Barley | Chill Floor
- Day 2, 21:00 (03:00): tanzvertretung - dance substitute (day 2)
- Day 2, 21:00 (17:04): BornHack Party
- Day 2, 21:10 (00:40): Geostationäre Satelliten als Hobby | Stage YELL
- Day 2, 21:30 (00:30): Qubes OS introduction
- Day 2, 21:45 (01:00): BlinkenCity: Radio-Controlling Street Lamps and Power Plants | Saal 1
- Day 2, 21:45 (01:00): Feelings of Structure in Life, Art, and Neural Nets | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 2, 21:45 (01:00): Privacy-preserving (health) data processing is possible! | Stage HUFF
- Day 2, 21:45 (01:00): RadioMining - Playlist-Scraping und Analyse | Saal GLITCH
- Day 2, 21:45 (01:30): WissPod Jahresrückblick 2024 oder: Reichweite, my ass! | Saal X 07
- Day 2, 22:00 (00:45): THAI YOGA MASSAGE | Saal 3 Bühne
- Day 2, 22:00 (01:00): Homegrow SOS | SoS Saal D
- Day 2, 22:00 (01:00): PORNOPHONIQUE | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 2, 22:00 (01:00): Research Data Horror Stories | SoS Saal 6
- Day 2, 22:00 (01:00): night workers union – precarious workers of the night united
- Day 2, 22:00 (01:30): BGP-enabled hackerspaces (or creatures) | SoS Saal E
- Day 2, 22:00 (01:30): LinuxLounge - #38C3 Special | Podcast Tisch (X 12)
- Day 2, 22:05 (00:40): Cat ears were just the beginning: Six years in onesies & what it taught me about life | Stage YELL
- Day 2, 22:30 (01:00): Austausch: IT(-Sicherheit) für Aktivisti
- Day 2, 22:30 (01:30): West Coast Swing Social Dancing (WCS)
- Day 2, 22:30 (03:00): FLINTA-Singstar | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 2, 23:00 (00:40): Automation and Empathy: Can We Finally Replace All Artistic Performers with Machines? | Saal GLITCH
- Day 2, 23:00 (00:40): Hacking Disasters - eine Bastelanleitung für die Chaos-Community | Stage YELL
- Day 2, 23:00 (00:40): Projekt Bucketchallenge | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 2, 23:00 (00:40): Retro-Chips selbst gemacht: Historische Hardware in FPGAs nachbilden | Stage HUFF
- Day 2, 23:00 (00:40): Wie fliegt man eigentlich Flugzeuge? | Saal 1
- Day 2, 23:00 (00:45): Measuring cosmic distances with the cosmic distance ladder: a tutorial | "KliMathematik Augsburg" Table
- Day 2, 23:00 (01:00): Hacking OHPs day2.2 | Call for Art (Foyer Z)
- Day 2, 23:00 (01:00): Max8min (Kurzfilm / Short Film) 🍿 | SoS Saal D
- Day 2, 23:00 (01:00): Märchen aus Nerdingen - Lesung von Märchen über Cybersecurity: Schutz der digitalen Welt durch Fantasie und Technik | SoS Saal 6
- Day 2, 23:00 (01:00): Punkrock Pilzanbau | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 2, 23:00 (01:30): LED Strips Everywhere for Everyone! workshop | Hardware Hacking Area -- Upper
- Day 2, 23:00 (02:00): ADA | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 2, 23:00 (02:00): The Slow Brown Fox | Chill Floor
- Day 2, 23:30 (01:00): Wie man trotz Managment und deutscher Firmenkultur gute Software schreiben kann | SoS Saal E
- Day 2, 23:30 (01:30): Das weiß doch niemand - Das Ultimative Super Quiz 3000! | Saal X 07
- Day 2, 23:37 (00:23): beeping session
- Day 2, 23:55 (00:40): Die Faszination des echten Kugelspiels | Saal GLITCH
- Day 2, 23:55 (00:40): Escaping Big Brother (or Your Ex) - counter surveillance for women's shelters | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 2, 23:55 (00:40): KI-Karma next Level: Spiritueller IT-Vertrieb | Saal 1
- Day 2, 23:55 (01:00): Open, Large, and Complex: Managing a 3,500 m² *space with 400+ Members | Stage YELL
- Day 2, 23:55 (01:15): Film "Never Mind the Gigwork - Here's the Coffeebots" | Stage HUFF
- Day 2, 23:59 (01:00): Queer Lounge Clash (by Queer Meet Up/C3Twink)
Day 3 (2024-12-29)
- Day 3, 00:00 (00:30): Greg Egan's Incandescence: Tidal forces, Schwarzschild metric and Killing's theorem | KliMathematik Augsburg Table (stage side), look in description
- Day 3, 00:00 (01:00): USBKVM Q&A / Infodump | SoS Saal 6
- Day 3, 00:00 (02:00): BIRD RAVE | Saal 3 Bühne
- Day 3, 00:05 (04:00): Open TTRPG session | SoS Saal D
- Day 3, 00:15 (00:30): Wondrous mathematics: The world through the eyes of a prime number | "KliMathematik Augsburg" Table
- Day 3, 00:55 (00:40): Kein Spaß am Gerät auf 'nem toten Planet(en)! | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 3, 00:55 (00:40): Net Neutrality: Why It Still Matters (More Than Ever!) | Saal GLITCH
- Day 3, 00:55 (01:30): 0, 1 oder 2 - Hackerei und Cyberbrei | Saal 1
- Day 3, 01:00 (00:29): CopScript: Sousveillance ('Unterwachung' - Überwachung von unten) | SoS Saal 6
- Day 3, 01:00 (01:00): jɛloʊ | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 3, 01:00 (02:00): DJ Wife | Chill Floor
- Day 3, 01:10 (00:40): Illegal Infrastructure: 12 years of hosting in the greyzone | Stage YELL
- Day 3, 01:30 (00:45): Writing a Compiler for a Dead Language (DarkBASIC) | SoS Saal 6
- Day 3, 02:00 (01:00): OSSSO Blocker 2 | SoS Saal E
- Day 3, 02:00 (02:00): Dj Set Kate Miao | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 3, 02:15 (00:45): Fighter-bombers — Is FLOSS a self-own? | SoS Saal 6
- Day 3, 03:00 (01:00): OSSSO Blocker 3 | SoS Saal E
- Day 3, 03:00 (03:00): Nika & Nina | Chill Floor
- Day 3, 03:21 (00:15): mewing session
- Day 3, 04:00 (02:00): Buzz.Lightyear | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 3, 04:05 (05:00): Open TTRPG session 2 | SoS Saal D
- Day 3, 06:00 (01:00): Kalib & Waldemar Frost | Chill Floor
- Day 3, 08:00 (01:00): OSSSO Blocker 4 | SoS Saal 6
- Day 3, 09:00 (01:00): Wahlkampf 2025 – Vernetzung, Strategien und der Blick auf progressive Kräfte | SoS Saal 6
- Day 3, 09:05 (00:55): OSSSO Blocker 12 | SoS Saal D
- Day 3, 09:15 (00:45): Was ist Klimagerechtigkeit und wie kann ich aktiv werden | SoS Saal E
- Day 3, 09:30 (01:15): Azubi-Tag Einführung | Saal GLITCH
- Day 3, 10:00 (01:00): A Primer on LLM Security and Secure LLMOps | SoS Saal 6
- Day 3, 10:00 (01:00): BiciBus 101 | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 3, 10:00 (01:00): Elektronische Patientenakte - Widerspruch ganz einfach | SoS Saal E
- Day 3, 10:00 (01:00): Rockets löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 2
- Day 3, 10:00 (01:30): Schreibworkshop: Konfliktlösung und Sozialkompetenz | SoS Saal D
- Day 3, 10:00 (02:00): Code-Based Zero-Knowledge Proofs: The Future of Privacy II | CDC Pentagon
- Day 3, 10:00 (02:00): Gleiche Brust für Alle! Reflektionsfragen & oberkörperfreier Spaziergang
- Day 3, 10:30 (00:30): Georgism Meetup
- Day 3, 11:00 (00:30): Outdoors Workout: Let's sport together! Day 3
- Day 3, 11:00 (00:30): Retry lonely@C3
- Day 3, 11:00 (00:30): What to do with all this Demo(s)-Data? | SoS Saal 6
- Day 3, 11:00 (00:40): Chatbots im Schulunterricht!? | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 3, 11:00 (00:40): Gefährliche Meinung – Wenn Wälder brennen und Klimaaktivist*innen im Knast sitzen | Saal 1
- Day 3, 11:00 (00:40): Sacrificing Chickens Properly: Why Magical Thinking is Both the Problem and the Solution. | Saal GLITCH
- Day 3, 11:00 (00:45): Wie hackt man einen Analogrechner? | Saal 5
- Day 3, 11:00 (01:00): Ada und Zangemann | Kidspace - Affenfelsen
- Day 3, 11:00 (01:00): Knautschi Workshop 2 | Kidspace - Basteltische
- Day 3, 11:00 (01:00): MEETUP: Nerds with Multiple Sclerosis
- Day 3, 11:00 (01:00): Meetup SUMA-EV, MetaGer, OpenWebSearch.EU und Websuche allgemein
- Day 3, 11:00 (01:00): Megastrukturen und Galaktische Imperien (oder: How to build a Dyson Sphere) | SoS Saal E
- Day 3, 11:00 (01:00): Queersupport - weil junge Queers ein offenes Ohr brauchen! | Stage YELL
- Day 3, 11:00 (01:00): Rockets löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 1
- Day 3, 11:00 (01:00): Spaß mit Ozobots | Saal A - Podeste
- Day 3, 11:00 (01:00): VoxelBox Hacking | Saal A - Programmierplätze
- Day 3, 11:00 (01:30): Discourse & Dragons | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 3, 11:00 (01:30): Tabellenkalkulation: Basics, Tipps und Tricks | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 3, 11:00 (02:00): Drop‐In IoT Cat Lamp Soldering (Day 3) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower
- Day 3, 11:00 (02:00): Fairydust-Türöffner-Tag (Tour 3)
- Day 3, 11:00 (02:00): Kidspacebörse | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 3, 11:00 (02:00): Lightning Talks Tag 3 | Stage HUFF
- Day 3, 11:00 (02:00): Testing (and building) antennas for Lora | CDC Circle
- Day 3, 11:00 (03:00): Lina & Nele | Chill Floor
- Day 3, 11:00 (03:00): Minetest-Mods programmieren | Kidspace - Hackcenter
- Day 3, 11:00 (03:00): PrintCycle day3.1 | Call for Art (Eingangshalle)
- Day 3, 11:00 (03:00): „kapitalistische kackscheiße“ oder der Teufelskreis der Produktivitätssteigerung
- Day 3, 11:00 (05:00): Elektrobausteine - Tag 3 | Kidspace - Elektrotisch
- Day 3, 11:00 (07:00): TechNailogy day3 | Call for Art (02floor)
- Day 3, 11:15 (00:15): MS Stubnitz Culture.Spaceship Day 3 | Hackertours Desk
- Day 3, 11:15 (01:30): Nerds spielen Spiele - der Widerstand ruft! | Saal A - Tischinsel
- Day 3, 11:30 (02:30): Rust programming language: An absolute beginner workshop with intro presentation | SoS Saal D
- Day 3, 11:40 (01:10): Chaos Somatics Space/ c3somatics: Collecting interested persons, visions, drafting governance and rulesets. | SoS Saal 6
- Day 3, 11:45 (01:00): DLF Interview Kaspesky | Saal X 07
- Day 3, 11:59 (12:00): Taskhacker - Day 3
- Day 3, 12:00 (00:15): MORNING MEDITATION | Saal 3 Bühne
- Day 3, 12:00 (00:30): SF World Building | SoS Saal E
- Day 3, 12:00 (00:40): AI Meets Git: Unmasking Security Flaws in Qodo Merge | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 3, 12:00 (00:40): Robot Uprising: a story-driven AI robotics experience | Saal 1
- Day 3, 12:00 (00:40): Von Augustus bis Trump – Warum Desinformation ein Problem bleibt und was wir trotzdem dagegen tun können | Saal GLITCH
- Day 3, 12:00 (01:00): Rockets löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 1
- Day 3, 12:00 (01:00): Talking about Terminal Protocols
- Day 3, 12:00 (01:30): "Social-Engineering" the World: Workshopping the Future with Hyperstition | CDC Pentagon
- Day 3, 12:00 (01:30): Raketen bauen und fliegen lassen | Saal A - Bastel/Hackspace
- Day 3, 12:00 (01:30): on the first night we looked at maps (theatre) | Art & Play Bus Stage (H)
- Day 3, 12:00 (02:00): Explorations of the Complex Plane [day 3]
- Day 3, 12:00 (02:00): OpenStreetMap | Saal A - Programmierplätze
- Day 3, 12:00 (03:00): Hole ihn zurück ins Leben! Kinder-Edition / Bring it back to life! Kids Edition | Saal 5
- Day 3, 12:00 (12:00): Soldering Competition - Day 3 | SegFaultDragons Assembly
- Day 3, 12:15 (01:00): Barrierefreiheit und Inklusion - Eine Einführung, alltägliche Erfahrungen und Absurditäten, und warum es uns alle angeht | Stage YELL
- Day 3, 12:30 (00:30): Einstieg in OpenStreetMap mit dem Online-Editor iD | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 3, 12:30 (01:30): Aktivismus ohne Personenkult und Held*innentum - wie geht das? | SoS Saal E
- Day 3, 12:30 (02:00): POTA - Parks on the Air [DAY 3]
- Day 3, 12:42 (01:00): ChaosZone Meetup | ChaosZone room
- Day 3, 12:45 (02:00): FAIR enough? Handling Research Data like a Pro | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 3, 12:55 (00:40): Databroker Files: Wie uns Apps und Datenhändler der Massenüberwachung ausliefern | Saal 1
- Day 3, 12:55 (00:40): Geschredderte Gutachten: Wie nicht nur der Staat bei digitaler Barrierefreiheit versagt | Saal GLITCH
- Day 3, 12:55 (00:40): Vom Betrieb bis ins Netz: Gewerkschaften als Vorbild für modernen Widerstand? | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 3, 12:55 (01:05): Sex, Safety and Transparency (Talk & Conversation) | SoS Saal 6
- Day 3, 13:00 (00:45): Signal bots and other adventures with the signal-cli
- Day 3, 13:00 (01:00): CmS Grupen Vernetzungs Kick-Off
- Day 3, 13:00 (01:00): Gegen Zwangsfilter in Betriebssystemen – Kick-Off und Vernetzung
- Day 3, 13:00 (01:00): Robot Uprising: come chat after our talk! | House of Tea
- Day 3, 13:00 (01:00): The Hackers Who Brunch - Day 3 | Milliways
- Day 3, 13:00 (01:00): Vector Variations (Day 3 13:00) | Art & Play Workshops (H)
- Day 3, 13:00 (01:00): Workshop: QR-Code Kreuzstich-Stickerei | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 3, 13:00 (01:00): Workshop: QR-Code Kreuzstich-Stickerei / Cross Stitch Embroidery
- Day 3, 13:00 (01:00): destruction day3.1 | Call for Art (GAME)
- Day 3, 13:00 (01:30): THW Meet Up - "Neues aus der Anstalt"
- Day 3, 13:00 (01:30): THW Meet Up - "Neues aus der Anstalt" | Saal X 07
- Day 3, 13:00 (02:00): Explorations of the Complex Plane (Day 3) | Call for Art (ZF1.1)
- Day 3, 13:00 (02:00): Fairy-Dust- und Enten-Schmuck herstellen | Kidspace - Basteltische
- Day 3, 13:00 (02:00): pixelprint day3 | Call for Art (ZF1.2)
- Day 3, 13:00 (02:30): Einen CLI mit Rust erstellen | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 3, 13:15 (00:20): Sharing Shells - Using tmux to take care of servers collectively | Stage HUFF
- Day 3, 13:30 (00:15): Alternative Harbor Cruise (Day 3 English) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 3, 13:30 (01:00): A fully free BIOS with GNU Boot | Stage YELL
- Day 3, 13:30 (01:00): Building The Foundations For Open Science: Research Data And Infrastructure Meet-Up | B&B Wohnzimmerlounge
- Day 3, 13:30 (01:00): [NEW TIME! 13:30 Uhr] Building The Foundations For Open Science: Research Data And Infrastructure Meet-Up
- Day 3, 13:30 (02:30): Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners (Day 3) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower
- Day 3, 13:45 (00:15): electrum Museum der Elektrizität (Tag 3 Deutsch) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 3, 13:50 (00:40): Auracast: Breaking Broadcast LE Audio Before It Hits the Shelves | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 3, 13:50 (00:40): Ein unmoralisches Angebot: Wie wir unsere Communities vor ideologischen Zugriffen schützen | Saal 1
- Day 3, 13:50 (00:40): Euclid, das Weltraumteleskop - 180 Millionen Galaxien sind ein guter Anfang | Saal GLITCH
- Day 3, 13:50 (00:40): Nein zur Bezahlkarte - Rechte Symbolpolitik mit Solidarität aushebeln | Stage HUFF
- Day 3, 14:00 (00:15): Energiebunker (Tag 3 Deutsch) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 3, 14:00 (00:30): VegARt - wie klingt eigentlich Gemüse? | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 3, 14:00 (01:00): Fixing foundations: A program is not something you execute | KliMathematik Augsburg Table (stage side), look in description
- Day 3, 14:00 (01:00): Ioana Vreme Moser & Karim Hamdi. Fluidics in computation, arts and music. | House of Tea 2
- Day 3, 14:00 (01:00): Maritime Hackers' Meetup
- Day 3, 14:00 (01:00): SHOC Meeting Day 3 | SoS Saal 6
- Day 3, 14:00 (01:00): Tech-Coops: Arbeiten im IT-Kollektiv
- Day 3, 14:00 (01:00): Tübinger Meetup - der CTT stellt sich vor (Day 3)
- Day 3, 14:00 (01:00): Vernetzungstreffen Digitale Gesellschaft Schweiz
- Day 3, 14:00 (01:30): Haecksen-Picknick 2 - für bereits beigetretene Haecksen | SoS Saal D
- Day 3, 14:00 (01:30): Sanctuary in Silicon: Shielding Keys, Gods, and Prayer Portals in Trusted Execution Environments
- Day 3, 14:00 (01:30): feminist server chaos
- Day 3, 14:00 (02:00): Fantastisches Geschichten Erzählen im Kidspace 3.1 | Kidspace - Affenfelsen
- Day 3, 14:00 (02:00): Jonglieren Lernen für Klein und Groß 2
- Day 3, 14:00 (02:00): MarbleMaze | Saal A - Programmierplätze
- Day 3, 14:00 (02:00): Minecraft How2Server (12+) | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 3, 14:00 (02:00): Probiotic making&cooking
- Day 3, 14:00 (02:30): Deep See Jiva | Chill Floor
- Day 3, 14:00 (03:00): 0xhaecks_cat löten für FLINTA-Personen/ soldering 0xhaecks_cat-Badge (FLINTA only) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower (extra)
- Day 3, 14:00 (03:00): Do It Together - Screen Print / Siebdruck - Day 3 | Call for Art (Eingangshalle)
- Day 3, 14:00 (03:00): KI.vodoo (day 3) | Art & Play Workshops (H)
- Day 3, 14:00 (03:00): Postkarten und/oder Kunst selber drucken | Saal A - Bastel/Hackspace
- Day 3, 14:00 (05:00): Postmarket Meetup @ VideoWall | Chaostal Tisch (3)
- Day 3, 14:10 (00:10): Pocket Science Lab Introduction | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 3, 14:15 (01:00): Glasfaser-Spleißworkshop | Chaos Mauldasch Workshopbereich
- Day 3, 14:20 (00:10): Building OpenWrt for Resource-Constrained Hardware | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 3, 14:30 (00:30): Democratic Confederalism: Building a radical democracy in Rojava | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 3, 14:30 (00:30): Let's make some (logical) noise: why Bossa Nova equals XOR | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 3, 14:30 (00:30): Überwachungsspaziergang
- Day 3, 14:30 (00:45): Von Berlin ins Exil - Lieder der 20er und 30er Jahre | Am Spätverkauf
- Day 3, 14:30 (01:00): Datenschutz-Sprechstunde – Frag die Aufsichtsbehörde
- Day 3, 14:30 (01:00): HelloQuitX Let's quit X together! | House of Tea
- Day 3, 14:30 (01:00): OpenMates meetup. How to build AI that works for the people, not for big tech.
- Day 3, 14:30 (01:00): Trust me, I don't know: Detecting hallucinations in chatbots | B&B Wohnzimmerlounge
- Day 3, 14:30 (01:30): Make space for collapse - (illegal) instructions for collapsing structures (Day 3)
- Day 3, 14:30 (01:30): Regiotreffen @ 38c3 | SoS Saal E
- Day 3, 14:30 (02:00): Elektronik live Reparatur Workshop | Sodlering Area
- Day 3, 14:45 (00:15): electrum Museum of Electricity (Day 3 English) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 3, 14:45 (00:40): Dialing into the Past: RCE via the Fax Machine – Because Why Not? | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 3, 14:45 (00:40): Eat the Rich! Die Menschen wollen soziale Sicherheit, aber kriegen „Deutschland den Deutschen“. Holt das Geld bei den Reichen! | Saal 1
- Day 3, 14:45 (00:40): Open Accessibility - (nicht nur) F/OSS barriereärmer gestalten! | Stage HUFF
- Day 3, 14:45 (00:40): The Design Decisions behind the first Open-Everything FABulous FPGA | Saal GLITCH
- Day 3, 14:45 (00:45): Klimagerechtigkeitsaktivismus: ein Blick hinter die Kulissen. Wie eine Gruppe Nerds einen Wald rettete und nur um Haaresbreite vier Wochen Gefängnis entkam | "KliMathematik Augsburg" Table
- Day 3, 14:45 (01:00): Poly with present and planned Kids (A Conversation) | Relationship Geeks Lounge
- Day 3, 14:45 (01:00): The whois protocol for internet routing policy, or how plaintext retrieved over TCP/43 ends up in router configurations | Stage YELL
- Day 3, 15:00 (00:15): Energy Bunker (Day 3 English) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 3, 15:00 (00:30): Quantum Computing: Between Vaporware and Revolutionary Math | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 3, 15:00 (00:30): Radikale Therapie: Treffen von Leuten interessiert an nomadischer Gruppe. | Radical Therapy: Meetup for people interested in nomadic group. | KliMathematik Augsburg, look in description
- Day 3, 15:00 (00:45): Aufräumen Podcast | Saal X 07
- Day 3, 15:00 (01:00): #unkuerzbar: Vernetzung & Aktion gegen die (Kaputt-)Sparpolitik! | Saal 5
- Day 3, 15:00 (01:00): Brainstorming für eine Hacker*innen-Aktivist*innen-Schnittstelle
- Day 3, 15:00 (01:00): CATAROBIC | Saal 3 Bühne
- Day 3, 15:00 (01:00): Exploring Pocket Science Lab: A Hands-On Introduction
- Day 3, 15:00 (01:00): Fliegendes Chaos Meet-Up
- Day 3, 15:00 (01:00): Introduction Gestickte Pixelart-Textilkunst - Cyber Fems der Zukunft + live sticken
- Day 3, 15:00 (01:00): Meine digitalen Rechte
- Day 3, 15:00 (01:00): Prototype Fund & Friends Meetup | SoS Saal 6
- Day 3, 15:00 (01:30): Adhoc livecoding tribe : a collective Algorave B2B | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 3, 15:00 (01:30): FIfF Meetup | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 3, 15:00 (01:30): Lara - Yin Yoga Reading Session
- Day 3, 15:00 (01:30): NewPipe User and Developer Meetup
- Day 3, 15:00 (01:30): on the first night we looked at maps (theatre) | Art & Play Bus Stage (H)
- Day 3, 15:00 (02:00): 38c3 bike courier meetup
- Day 3, 15:00 (02:00): How abortion pills change the world | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 3, 15:00 (02:00): KinkyGeeks Biothane Halsband basteln 2 | KinkyGeeks Assembly (Y7)
- Day 3, 15:00 (03:20): Waffeltest
- Day 3, 15:15 (00:50): 🪡 Introduction to the embroidery machine (Brother Innovis)
- Day 3, 15:30 (00:30): Blocker wegen Umbaupause vor Workshop | SoS Saal D
- Day 3, 15:30 (00:30): libbitcoinkernel | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 3, 15:30 (00:45): Jujutsu / jj-fzf Meetup
- Day 3, 15:30 (01:00): Burn, planet, burn? Den Planet einfach brennen lassen?
- Day 3, 15:30 (01:00): Selbsthilfegruppe für Menschen in der Energiewirtschaft
- Day 3, 15:30 (01:00): Subincising Gender - an exploration of genital modification and gender identity
- Day 3, 15:30 (01:00): Vegan Chaos: Let's Talk (Day 3) | Vegan Chaos Community
- Day 3, 15:30 (01:00):
- Day 3, 15:30 (01:45): Das bisschen Haushalt - Austausch und Ideen sammeln für den Protest gegen Kürzungen | B&B Wohnzimmerlounge
- Day 3, 15:45 (00:40): Beyond BLE: Cracking Open the Black-Box of RF Microcontrollers | Saal GLITCH
- Day 3, 15:45 (00:40): Can We Find Beauty in Tax Fraud? | Saal 1
- Day 3, 15:45 (00:40): Let's build dodos! How generative AI is upturning the world of synthetic biology and hopelessly overwhelming traditional governance instruments. | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 3, 15:45 (00:40): we made a globally distributed DNS network for shits and giggles | Stage HUFF
- Day 3, 15:45 (00:45): The Diner Podcast – live | Podcast Tisch (X 12)
- Day 3, 16:00 (00:15): Gängeviertel (Tag 3 Deutsch) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 3, 16:00 (00:30): DDNet/Teeworlds Meetup
- Day 3, 16:00 (00:30): Upgrade Your LED Badge: Replace Proprietary Firmware with Open Source One
- Day 3, 16:00 (00:45): Kognitive und emotionale Prozesse hinter kollektiver Aktion
- Day 3, 16:00 (00:50): Synergy of data on the modern battlefield | UAct! Assembly
- Day 3, 16:00 (01:00): AMAp – Automate My Art, please! | Call for Art (ZF1.1)
- Day 3, 16:00 (01:00): Build your own darknet with NixOS
- Day 3, 16:00 (01:00): CMS, backbone of every university.
- Day 3, 16:00 (01:00): Freedom not Fear meetup | House of Tea
- Day 3, 16:00 (01:00): Goûter francophone - Interhack x LQDN x CHATONS
- Day 3, 16:00 (01:00): Hobby Operating System Developers Meetup (new time & location)
- Day 3, 16:00 (01:00): Kirby CMS User Meetup
- Day 3, 16:00 (01:00): Open Source FPGA and ASIC Design Meetup
- Day 3, 16:00 (01:00): UX for Hackers: Why It Matters and What Can You Do | Stage YELL
- Day 3, 16:00 (01:00): build your own darknet
- Day 3, 16:00 (01:00): destruction day3.2 | Call for Art (GAME)
- Day 3, 16:00 (01:30): Das Technikjahr 2024 - Ki, Klima, Crypto (mspr0 & Ali Hackalife) Auch-interessant! | Saal X 07
- Day 3, 16:00 (01:30): Das bisschen Haushalt - Austausch und Ideen sammeln zum Protest gegen Kürzungen
- Day 3, 16:00 (01:30): Datenschutz und Medienkompetenz für Kinder und Jugendliche am 38C3 | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 3, 16:00 (01:30): The Social Impact of Cryptography | SoS Saal D
- Day 3, 16:00 (01:30): 🕹️ Hack your LLM: Modify chatbot behavior with activation steering
- Day 3, 16:00 (02:00): FAU Meetup für Mitglieder und Interessierte | SoS Saal 6
- Day 3, 16:00 (02:00): Häkeln für Anfänger | Kidspace - Affenfelsen
- Day 3, 16:00 (02:00): Linux für Einsteiger:innen (Tag 3) | Saal A - Programmierplätze
- Day 3, 16:00 (02:00): Norimaki Making | FHB Workshop Venue II.
- Day 3, 16:00 (02:00): OpenWrt Birthday Party & Meetup | SoS Saal E
- Day 3, 16:00 (02:00): Speaker's Corner Jugendbühne | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 3, 16:10 (01:15): Erfahrungsaustauschrunde: Wie pitchen wir Lehrenden zielführend, dass Datenschutz wichtig ist? | Saal 5
- Day 3, 16:30 (00:10): Interlisp, the forgotten dev environment
- Day 3, 16:30 (00:30): Financial communication is communication - it should be free and other cypherpunk stories | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 3, 16:30 (01:00): Building shared agendas for local communities with Gancio
- Day 3, 16:30 (01:00): Xenaia | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 3, 16:30 (01:00): the story of no beginning and no end, Sigourney & Melody
- Day 3, 16:30 (01:30): Instant Ramen Powder Workshop Day 3
- Day 3, 16:30 (01:30): RVPC ‐ Build an Olimex RISC V PC | Hardware Hacking Area -- Upper
- Day 3, 16:30 (01:30): Registermodernisierung 101 | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 3, 16:30 (02:00): Intro to Meshtastic (Day 2) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower
- Day 3, 16:30 (02:30): Laura Fiore | Chill Floor
- Day 3, 16:39 (01:30): Mapping & Hacking: A Critical Approach To Cultural & Immersive Spaces
- Day 3, 16:40 (00:40): Biological evolution: writing, rewriting and breaking the program of life | Saal GLITCH
- Day 3, 16:40 (00:40): Brauchbare Illegalität – Organisationen für menschenfeindliche Diskurse wappnen | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 3, 16:40 (00:40): Der Milliarden-Steuerraub Cum/Ex – wie schädlich ist Wirtschaftskriminalität für unsere Gesellschaft? | Saal 1
- Day 3, 16:40 (00:40): Vulnerability management with DefectDojo | Stage HUFF
- Day 3, 17:00 (00:30): Digital integrity of the human person, A new fundamental right Update 2024 | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 3, 17:00 (00:30): Disaster Capitalism in Gaza (Call to Action)
- Day 3, 17:00 (00:30): Guix installation party
- Day 3, 17:00 (00:45): Wie geht aktivistische Pressearbeit? Reichweite für erfolgreiche und verhinderte Aktionen. Workshop | KliMathematik Augsburg, look in description
- Day 3, 17:00 (01:00): Datenpunks and friends meetup
- Day 3, 17:00 (01:00): Delta Chat 2025 roadmap and discussions
- Day 3, 17:00 (01:00): Event calendar on the Fediverse: Mobilizon Meet-up by
- Day 3, 17:00 (01:00): Fantastische Knoten und wo sie zu finden sind
- Day 3, 17:00 (01:00): Kulturkampf Zusatzversicherung von Selbstbestimmung selbst gemacht
- Day 3, 17:00 (01:00): Matrix Governing Board Meet & Greet
- Day 3, 17:00 (01:00): Matrix Helpdesk & Merch (Day 3)
- Day 3, 17:00 (01:00): Nitrokey Question and Answers
- Day 3, 17:00 (01:00): Romantische und Sexuelle Orientierung - Woher soll ICH das denn wissen? Questioning Meetup
- Day 3, 17:00 (01:00): Vector Variations (Day 3 17:00) | Art & Play Bus Stage (H)
- Day 3, 17:00 (01:00): Warum genau Du genau jetzt mit Amateurfunk anfangen solltest 2.0
- Day 3, 17:00 (01:30): JOGIDA: Antifaschistischer Jodel-Workshop | Unicorn Workshop Area (Foyer 4)
- Day 3, 17:00 (02:00): DFIR Meetup
- Day 3, 17:00 (02:00): Infrarot Tag | Saal A - Bastel/Hackspace
- Day 3, 17:00 (02:00): Typografie-Schild/ Anhänger | Saal A - Tischinsel
- Day 3, 17:00 (03:00): Podcasttisch Beginnerwerkstatt | Podcast Tisch (X 12)
- Day 3, 17:15 (00:15): Alter Elbtunnel (Day 3 German) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 3, 17:15 (00:45): Reading: Ada & Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream | B&B Wohnzimmerlounge
- Day 3, 17:15 (01:00): The ongoing (silent) storm in the medical devices industry and since when cybersecurity is a thing | Stage YELL
- Day 3, 17:15 (01:30): Die Haecksen für Nicht-Haecksen - eine Fragerunde | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 3, 17:30 (00:30): Extending the sound methods of a software synthesizer using Guile scripts
- Day 3, 17:30 (00:30): The Emergence of the Crypto Commons. Navigating Socio-Technical Affordances and Ideological Tensions on the Blockchain. | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 3, 17:30 (00:45): Call for Stories - Meet the artist
- Day 3, 17:30 (00:45): Privacy Settings IRL: Balancing Privacy and Disclosure in Ethical Non-Monogamy. | SoS Saal D
- Day 3, 17:30 (01:00): Katastrophenhilfe – mehr als nur Medizin! | Saal 5
- Day 3, 17:30 (01:30): KLIMATON meets TRIPODS ONE: Sonic Robots in a Sonified Landscape | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 3, 17:30 (01:30): The Sacred Mesh: Weaving a Network of Faith Through Meshtastic
- Day 3, 17:30 (02:00): Glow up! LED Schmuck und leuchtende Dinos basteln | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 1
- Day 3, 17:30 (02:00): Yubikey setup party
- Day 3, 17:35 (00:40): High energy physics aside the Large Hadron Collider | Saal GLITCH
- Day 3, 17:35 (00:40): KI nach dem Kapitalismus: Hat ChatGPT in der besseren neuen Welt einen Platz? | Saal 1
- Day 3, 17:35 (00:40): Sicherheitslücke gefunden... und nun? | Stage HUFF
- Day 3, 17:35 (00:40): TETRA Algorithm set B - Can glue mend the burst? | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 3, 17:45 (00:45): Och Menno: Physik sagt NEIN-Von Kickstartern und SciFi Waffen | Saal X 07
- Day 3, 17:50 (00:45): Privacy Settings IRL (After-Workshop Conversation) | Relationship Geeks Lounge
- Day 3, 18:00 (00:10): Here's five RDE features I like
- Day 3, 18:00 (00:30): Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Mesh Networks | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 3, 18:00 (00:30): The Sword Of Secrets
- Day 3, 18:00 (00:42): Messenger Datenschutzaspekte Fragestunde
- Day 3, 18:00 (00:45): Bring Chaos back to Rostock
- Day 3, 18:00 (01:00): 39c3 Bällebad
- Day 3, 18:00 (01:00): A New Piracy Application - My Proposal
- Day 3, 18:00 (01:00): Bits & Bäume Community Meetup | B&B Wohnzimmerlounge
- Day 3, 18:00 (01:00): Erfahrungsaustausch Linked Open Data | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 3, 18:00 (01:00): Jugend zockt - Jackbox Games | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 3, 18:00 (01:00): Roller (derby|skate) Meetup
- Day 3, 18:00 (01:00): VOC: Schichtzuweisung Videomixer Tag 3 | SoS Saal 6
- Day 3, 18:00 (01:00): Vereine gründen in der Schweiz - ein praktisches Beispiel
- Day 3, 18:00 (01:00): WILDSTYLE | Saal 3 Bühne
- Day 3, 18:00 (01:30): DECT Hacking Meetup | SoS Saal E
- Day 3, 18:00 (01:30): WEKILL//LEAKS - A Game of Courageous Publishing and Imperialist Sh!tf#ckery | House of Tea
- Day 3, 18:00 (02:00): Cider Flows Session II. | FHB Workshop Venue II.
- Day 3, 18:00 (02:00): Fantastisches Geschichten Erzählen im Kidspace 3.2 | Kidspace - Affenfelsen
- Day 3, 18:00 (02:30): Hacking OHPs day3.1 | Call for Art (Foyer Z)
- Day 3, 18:15 (00:15): Miniatur Wunderland (day 3) | Hackertours Desk
- Day 3, 18:15 (01:45): Lingo Coordination Day 3 | SoS Saal D
- Day 3, 18:30 (00:15): In science we trust, in unicorns we believe - Gemeinsames Bekenntnis
- Day 3, 18:30 (00:30): Decentralize the Grids! Bitcoin as a Catalyst for Sustainable Energy | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 3, 18:30 (00:30): Jinx, a different perspective on Nix & Guix
- Day 3, 18:30 (01:00): Learn to Solder with the "I Can Solder" Badge kit | Hardware Hacking Area -- Upper
- Day 3, 18:30 (01:00): Technical infrastructure in Rojava – between attacks and resistance
- Day 3, 18:30 (01:00): experimental hybrid livecoding performance(Day 3) | Art & Play Bus Stage (H)
- Day 3, 18:30 (01:30): Aktivist:in sucht Nerd | Saal 5
- Day 3, 18:30 (01:30): Zecke sucht Nerd
- Day 3, 18:30 (02:00): Virtuelle Eurorack Synthesizer mit VCV Rack | Saal A - Programmierplätze
- Day 3, 18:45 (00:45): Liebe Werte Stiften Alles | Saal X 07
- Day 3, 19:00 (00:30): Smart Cities: Digital Utopia or Privacy Dystopia? A critical analysis of Singapore's 'Smart Nation 2.0' | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 3, 19:00 (00:45): Fixing foundations: A program is not a window | "KliMathematik Augsburg" Table
- Day 3, 19:00 (01:00): (some) Hacker Values (Day 3) | Call for Art (ZF1.1)
- Day 3, 19:00 (01:00): (some) Hacker Values 3
- Day 3, 19:00 (01:00): Generative KI im Programmieralltag – Gamechanger oder Hype? | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 3, 19:00 (01:00): Kybernetik, was nun?
- Day 3, 19:00 (01:00): SAR (Search and Rescue) Tech Meetup
- Day 3, 19:00 (01:00): Tehran Underground (Persian Hip Hop) | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 3, 19:00 (01:00): Tunke b2b stinia3000
- Day 3, 19:00 (01:30): Chatmail-server for activists (real-life and upcoming usage)
- Day 3, 19:00 (01:30): Drop‐in Meow Mixer Soldering (Day 3) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower
- Day 3, 19:00 (01:30): Rosenpass Install Party | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 3, 19:00 (02:00): Lightning Talks - Kids Edition | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 3, 19:00 (03:00): F#X & Shimmy Robin | Chill Floor
- Day 3, 19:00 (03:00): KinkyGeeks Hypnose Einführung | SoS Saal 6
- Day 3, 19:00 (03:00): PrintCycle day3.2 | Call for Art (Eingangshalle)
- Day 3, 19:15 (00:30): Hilfe, ich brauche eine Mediation!
- Day 3, 19:15 (00:40): Drawing with circuits – creating functional and artistic PCBs together | Saal GLITCH
- Day 3, 19:15 (00:40): Knäste hacken | Saal 1
- Day 3, 19:15 (00:40): May the forest be with you – Bäume pflanzen gegen die Klimakrise? | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 3, 19:20 (01:00): Programming ASDF CLI together
- Day 3, 19:30 (00:15): Kurzvorstellung Selbstorganisierte Jugendarbeit im Chaos | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 3, 19:30 (00:30): Art with the EVM and Zero Knowledge Proofs | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 3, 19:30 (01:00): Audio-visual livecoding - deconstructed techno and FPV drone visuals
- Day 3, 19:30 (01:00): Introduction to Open Street Maps (talk) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Upper
- Day 3, 19:30 (01:00): Tenants without Landlords co-OPs and RENT
- Day 3, 19:30 (01:30): LinuxBoot on Laptops
- Day 3, 19:30 (01:50): HAPPS! Der weisse Hai | Stage YELL
- Day 3, 19:30 (04:30): Let's Play Netrunner
- Day 3, 19:45 (00:45): Howto Digitale Bildungspolitik
- Day 3, 19:45 (01:30): Introduction into Anarchism | SoS Saal E
- Day 3, 20:00 (00:30): GuteN8Geschichte "Das NEINhorn und der Geburtstag" - Tag 3 | Kidspace - Affenfelsen
- Day 3, 20:00 (00:30): Nitrokey introduction and Q&A | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 3, 20:00 (00:45): Introducing: The Utopia Trading Card Game
- Day 3, 20:00 (00:45): What’s up @Bleeptrack? Talk über Code-Kunst, Tiny Houses und Kaffee Nerdigkeiten | Podcast Tisch (X 12)
- Day 3, 20:00 (01:00): Fediverse Governance - Fishbowl Diskussion | Saal 5
- Day 3, 20:00 (01:00): b l a d e b a b e s - live Band | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 3, 20:00 (01:00): b.l.a.e.
- Day 3, 20:00 (01:30): Alpaka Pub Quiz | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 3, 20:00 (02:00): Audio software developers meet
- Day 3, 20:00 (02:00): K4CG Lötroulette
- Day 3, 20:00 (02:00): KinkyGeeks Beginner Bondage Workshop 2 | SoS Saal D
- Day 3, 20:00 (02:00): Whiskyleaks | Milliways
- Day 3, 20:15 (00:40): Das IFG ist tot – Best of Informationsfreiheit, Gefangenenbefreiung & Machtübernahmen | Saal 1
- Day 3, 20:15 (00:40): Hacking Life: How to decode and manipulate biological cells with AI | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 3, 20:15 (00:40): Ultrawide archaeology on Android native libraries | Saal GLITCH
- Day 3, 20:15 (00:45): Flunkyball Day 3
- Day 3, 20:30 (00:45): Live Music with the OP1
- Day 3, 20:30 (01:00): Nazis klatschen - Eine antifaschistische PunkRock-Lyrik-Lesung
- Day 3, 20:30 (01:00): Woman in the Middle | Stage HUFF
- Day 3, 20:30 (02:00): Cheese Rendezvous Day 3
- Day 3, 20:30 (02:30): Writing Workshop | Schreibworkshop
- Day 3, 20:40 (01:30): Air Quality Sensor Soldering Workshop
- Day 3, 20:45 (01:30): Bazilian Zouk Social
- Day 3, 20:45 (01:30): Gala Be Need Inn - 38c3 Ausgabe | Saal X 07
- Day 3, 20:45 (02:00): Breach Brunch - IT-Security Gathering (FLINTA only) | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 3, 20:45 (03:00): GNU Boot install'party | CDC Circle
- Day 3, 21:00 (00:30): noisy improvised electronic music solo performance(day 3) | Art & Play Bus Stage (H)
- Day 3, 21:00 (00:45): Gedenken für ripley + Memorial for ripley
- Day 3, 21:00 (01:00): Basisworkshop Rechtswissen für Aktivismus: Versammlungsrecht, Strafrecht, Hausdurchsuchungen | KliMathematik Augsburg, look in description
- Day 3, 21:00 (01:00): Burners meet-up #3
- Day 3, 21:00 (01:00): Fairphone, Framework & Friends – sustainable & repairable device meetup | Saal 5
- Day 3, 21:00 (01:00): How to run a House of Tea? | House of Tea
- Day 3, 21:00 (01:00): SIMON JAVA | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 3, 21:00 (01:00): UMSCHALT & STRG+V : Verbündet-Sein für Anfänger (sic!) / SWITCH & CTRL+V : Allyship for beginners
- Day 3, 21:00 (01:00): Watchalong Ninomae Ina'nis Concert
- Day 3, 21:00 (01:00): dream machine gathering | Saal 3 Bühne
- Day 3, 21:00 (01:30): #badgelife meetup
- Day 3, 21:00 (02:00): Austausch für Eltern und Bezugspersonen von trans Kindern und nicht binären Kindern auf 38C3 - Fortsetzung | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 3, 21:00 (02:00): Nintendo Karaoke
- Day 3, 21:00 (02:00): Soldering Sound Kits with Alwin (Day 3) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower
- Day 3, 21:00 (02:00): Soldering Sound/Video Kits with Noisio (Day 3) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Upper
- Day 3, 21:00 (03:00): tanzvertretung - dance substitute (day 3)
- Day 3, 21:10 (00:40): Die Elektronische Patientenakte (ePA)– a legal instruction trap? | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 3, 21:10 (00:40): Klimaschädlich by Design – die ökologischen Kosten des KI-Hypes | Saal GLITCH
- Day 3, 21:10 (00:40): Postpartum Punk: make space for unfiltered creativity | Saal 1
- Day 3, 21:15 (00:15): Typst - eine LaTeX Alternative in Rust? | SoS Saal E
- Day 3, 21:15 (01:00): Fediverse im Bildungsbereich
- Day 3, 21:23 (01:00): Matrix Device Verifcation Party
- Day 3, 21:30 (01:30): CCH! Late Night | Podcast Tisch (X 12)
- Day 3, 21:30 (01:45): AG KRITIS: Treffen und Austausch | SoS Saal E
- Day 3, 21:33 (01:00): Flunki (flunkiball)
- Day 3, 21:45 (01:00): (K)Ein Beinbruch - Datenverarbeitung im CERT | Stage HUFF
- Day 3, 22:00 (00:30): How to contribute to Wikipedia | "KliMathematik Augsburg" Table
- Day 3, 22:00 (01:00): I get a Crisis! fun, Games and bad mood (theatre game) | Art & Play Bus Stage (H)
- Day 3, 22:00 (01:00): SENSUAL ECOLOGY | Saal 3 Bühne
- Day 3, 22:00 (01:00): Schulverweis | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 3, 22:00 (01:00): Speedcoding (JavaScript) 🚀 | SoS Saal 6
- Day 3, 22:00 (01:00): [New time!: 22:00] Literaturabend / literature evening (reading short texts of any kind to each other, for enjoyment). | House of Tea 2
- Day 3, 22:00 (01:30): Der humanitäre Preis ist heiß | Saal 5
- Day 3, 22:00 (02:00): 2. Congress Skatturnier auf dem 38c3 - 2. Serie | SoS Saal D
- Day 3, 22:00 (02:00): Prince Istari | Chill Floor
- Day 3, 22:05 (00:40): 5 Jahre nach Ibiza | Saal 1
- Day 3, 22:05 (00:40): Hacker's Guide to Meshtastic: Off-Grid, Encrypted LoRa Meshnets for Cheap! | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 3, 22:05 (00:40): Mushroom-DJs, Strong AI & Climate Change: Connecting the Dots with Artistic Research | Saal GLITCH
- Day 3, 22:05 (02:00): Mini Playback Show | Stage YELL
- Day 3, 22:15 (02:00): Challenge your swing perception - lindy hop social dancing with switching
- Day 3, 22:30 (00:30): Fun with Kanji: Chinese and Japanese | "KliMathematik Augsburg" Table
- Day 3, 22:30 (01:00): (Kunstvolles) Joint rollen - Skillshare | House of Tea
- Day 3, 22:30 (01:00): Chinese/Japanese calligraphy meetup
- Day 3, 22:30 (01:00): Ohne Jurastudium sich selbst oder andere vor Gericht verteidigen, (wie) geht das? | KliMathematik Augsburg, look in description
- Day 3, 23:00 (01:00): Attack Mining: How to use distributed sensors to identify and take down adversaries | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 3, 23:00 (01:00): Hacking OHPs day3.2 | Call for Art (Foyer Z)
- Day 3, 23:00 (01:00): How election software can fail | Saal GLITCH
- Day 3, 23:00 (01:00): I get a Crisis! fun, Games and bad mood (theatre game) | Art & Play Bus Stage (H)
- Day 3, 23:00 (01:00): Pyrotechnik – ist doch kein Verbrechen!? | Saal 1
- Day 3, 23:00 (01:00): вареники cooking session | UAct! Assembly
- Day 3, 23:00 (02:00): FLINTA* CRUISING💋🌶️🍑👀💦 (*see description; if this sounds appealing to you it’s probably for you)
- Day 3, 23:00 (02:00): Tor Relay Operators Meetup & State of the Onion Operators | SoS Saal 6
- Day 3, 23:00 (02:30): Marta Aurelia | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 3, 23:05 (00:40): Die Entsiegelung des Spiegelpferdes | Stage HUFF
- Day 3, 23:20 (00:30): The Long Night: How to Interstellar Flight | SoS Saal E
- Day 3, 23:30 (02:00): Intro to Meshtastic Workshop (Day 3) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Upper
- Day 3, 23:50 (00:35): Consciousness, Fractals, and Psychedelics - Experience Sharing Session | SoS Saal E
Day 4 (2024-12-30)
- Day 4, 00:00 (00:45): Formalizing mathematics in the proof assistant Agda and extracting algorithms from transfinite proofs | SoS Saal D
- Day 4, 00:00 (01:30): Deltachat Webxdc hacking session
- Day 4, 00:00 (01:30): Electronic Instruments Jam
- Day 4, 00:00 (02:00): Romanski | Chill Floor
- Day 4, 00:05 (00:30): Release–Keynote: ChaosGPT und das Large Congress Model | Stage HUFF
- Day 4, 00:15 (00:40): Hacking Victorian Bodies: From Grid to Vector Space | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 4, 00:15 (00:40): Mal was mit Holz | Saal GLITCH
- Day 4, 00:15 (02:00): Hacker Jeopardy | Saal 1
- Day 4, 00:20 (00:20): Selbstverteidigungskurs Meme Warfare | Stage YELL
- Day 4, 00:25 (02:00): Kommunikationsguerilla – was das ist und praktische Beispiele ;) – auf dem Chaos Communication Congress mittels Kommunikation positives Chaos stiften | SoS Saal E
- Day 4, 00:30 (00:30): Mewing session 2 (working, open end)
- Day 4, 00:30 (01:00): Illegal Hebocon
- Day 4, 00:50 (00:40): OMG WTF SSO - A beginner's guide to SSO (mis)configuration | Stage HUFF
- Day 4, 00:55 (00:20): PC-Abkürzungen: Eine Lesung | Stage YELL
- Day 4, 01:00 (01:00): OSSSO Blocker 7 | SoS Saal 6
- Day 4, 01:00 (09:00): Shitty Robots Workshop Teil 2/2 | SoS Saal D
- Day 4, 01:30 (02:30): Juli Jane | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 4, 02:00 (01:00): OSSSO Blocker 8 | SoS Saal 6
- Day 4, 02:00 (03:00): Thomash | Chill Floor
- Day 4, 02:30 (00:30): Hosting Pirate Archives and Shadow Libraries | SoS Saal E
- Day 4, 03:00 (01:00): OSSSO Blocker 9 | SoS Saal 6
- Day 4, 04:00 (01:00): OSSSO Blocker 10 | SoS Saal E
- Day 4, 04:00 (02:00): Kalientura b2b doll.fin | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 4, 05:00 (03:00): Vareli & Klotz von Blammo | Chill Floor
- Day 4, 09:00 (01:00): Hitchhiker's Towel-Yoga 🕉️ | SoS Saal E
- Day 4, 09:00 (02:00): ALGORHYTHM - Closing Circle | Saal 3 Bühne
- Day 4, 09:45 (00:45): Let´s talk about regulatorische Cyber Sec Dev, baby! | SoS Saal 6
- Day 4, 10:00 (00:45): Nudeln hacken - Tag 4 | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 4, 10:00 (01:00): Effektiver Tierrechtsaktivismus | SoS Saal D
- Day 4, 10:00 (01:00): Gewaltfreie Kommunikation Workshop | SoS Saal E
- Day 4, 10:00 (02:30): A Way to (S)hell - ein Einstieg in die Programmierung mit bash | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 4, 10:00 (03:00): 38c3 Jazzclub Music: hex328 Visuals/ Licht: clx | Chill Floor
- Day 4, 10:30 (00:30): Mikrotik User Meetup | SoS Saal 6
- Day 4, 10:30 (02:00): Intro to Meshtastic Workshop (Day 4) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Upper
- Day 4, 11:00 (00:30): Outdoors Workout: Let's sport together! Day 4
- Day 4, 11:00 (00:40): Dude, Where's My Crypto? - Real World Impact of Weak Cryptocurrency Keys | Saal GLITCH
- Day 4, 11:00 (00:40): From Simulation to Tenant Takeover | Saal 1
- Day 4, 11:00 (00:40): Longtermismus – der „Geist“ des digitalen Kapitalismus | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 4, 11:00 (00:40): Mit OpenType ein X für ein U vormachen | Stage HUFF
- Day 4, 11:00 (00:45): RF Signalgenerierung und Erfassung mittels Software Defined Radio (Adalm Pluto mit MAIA SDR) | Saal A - Programmierplätze
- Day 4, 11:00 (00:45): Systemwandel - Was ist das System und wie ändern wir es? | Saal 5
- Day 4, 11:00 (01:00): Cyber Angels: Help reverse-engineer Ebay JS for the FSF | CDC Circle
- Day 4, 11:00 (01:00): Heimischer Bergbau für die Elektronik-Industrie - eine Chance auf faire Rohstoffförderung? | SoS Saal 6
- Day 4, 11:00 (01:00): Rockets löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 2
- Day 4, 11:00 (01:00): Stadt.Land.Klima! - Für Transparenz im Kommunalen Klimaschutz | Stage YELL
- Day 4, 11:00 (01:30): #TeamDatenschutz-Meetup | SoS Saal D
- Day 4, 11:00 (01:30): Bildungs-Meetup @ 38C3
- Day 4, 11:00 (01:30): Tinkering with microReticulum | CDC Pentagon
- Day 4, 11:00 (02:00): Austausch für Eltern von ADHS-Kindern auf dem 38C3 | Kidspace - Workshopraum
- Day 4, 11:00 (02:00): Nerds spielen Spiele - Auf in den Widerstand und zu den Robotern! | Saal A - Tischinsel
- Day 4, 11:00 (02:00): Pixeldisplay programmieren
- Day 4, 11:00 (02:00): Tor | SoS Saal E
- Day 4, 11:00 (02:30): Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners (Day 4) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower
- Day 4, 11:00 (04:00): Elektrobausteine - Tag 4 | Kidspace - Elektrotisch
- Day 4, 11:15 (01:00): Vegan Chaos: Farewell Meeting | House of Tea
- Day 4, 11:30 (00:40): A shared agenda for local communities,
- Day 4, 11:30 (01:00): lernOS Podcasting Leitfaden als Ressource für die Podcastpat:innen | Saal X 07
- Day 4, 11:30 (01:30): Make space for collapse - (illegal) instructions for collapsing structures (Day 4)
- Day 4, 12:00 (00:15): Kurzvorstellung Selbstorganisierte Jugendarbeit im Chaos | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 4, 12:00 (00:15): Soldering Competition - Prize Awards | SegFaultDragons Assembly
- Day 4, 12:00 (00:40): Blackscreen im Kopf – Leben mit Afantiasie | Stage HUFF
- Day 4, 12:00 (00:40): Is Green Methanol the missing piece for the Energy Transition? | Saal GLITCH
- Day 4, 12:00 (00:40): Moving with feelings: Behind the scenes of a one man show mobile & fiber operator in Spain | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 4, 12:00 (00:40): Ten Years of Rowhammer: A Retrospect (and Path to the Future) | Saal 1
- Day 4, 12:00 (00:45): Content Moderation in the Fediverse – Mastodon Meetup
- Day 4, 12:00 (00:45): Wondrous mathematics: Large numbers grow on trees | "KliMathematik Augsburg" Table
- Day 4, 12:00 (01:00): Cyber Angels: Help GNUBoot raise funding to complete the liberation of the fastest x86 server mainboard | CDC Circle
- Day 4, 12:00 (01:00): OpenStreetMap Software Development – Ask us anything! | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 4, 12:00 (01:00): Praktische Utopie - Commons Organisieren
- Day 4, 12:00 (01:00): Q&A: Dude, Where's My Crypto? | SoS Saal 6
- Day 4, 12:00 (01:00): Rockets löten | Saal A - Lötstationen Station 2
- Day 4, 12:00 (01:00): VoxelBox Hacking | Saal A - Programmierplätze
- Day 4, 12:00 (01:30): Building a modern Internal Development Platform | AmROM
- Day 4, 12:15 (01:00): Computing Genomes & what that has to do with privacy | Stage YELL
- Day 4, 12:30 (01:00): Anti-Longtermistische Vernetzung | House of Tea
- Day 4, 12:30 (01:30): ADHS-Meetup - Revival vom 37C3 (SOS) | SoS Saal D
- Day 4, 12:30 (01:30): Selbsthilfegruppe Verwaltungsdigitalisierung Teil 2 | Saal 5
- Day 4, 12:30 (02:00): POTA - Parks on the Air [DAY 4]
- Day 4, 12:45 (02:00): Feministisches Vernetzungstreffen | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 4, 12:55 (00:40): All Brains are Beautiful! – The Biology of Neurodiversity | Saal 1
- Day 4, 12:55 (00:40): GLAM zwischen LOD und ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Museumskritik für Hacker*innen | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 4, 12:55 (00:40): Going Long! Sending weird signals over long haul optical networks | Saal GLITCH
- Day 4, 12:55 (00:40): Resource Consumption of AI - Degrow or Die | Stage HUFF
- Day 4, 13:00 (00:20): Blåhaj / Smolhaj Meetup 2 | SoS Saal 6
- Day 4, 13:00 (00:30): Metalbending | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 4, 13:00 (00:45): Wie Kapitalismus und Klimagerechtigkeit zusammenhängen – Was Kies, Stahl und Beton damit zu tun haben | "KliMathematik Augsburg" Table
- Day 4, 13:00 (01:00): Community driven services - offene IT-Dienste für alle | B&B Wohnzimmerlounge
- Day 4, 13:00 (01:00): Cyber Angels Hack Sessions | CDC Circle
- Day 4, 13:00 (01:00): Emacs chit-chat
- Day 4, 13:00 (01:00): Flashing your LED (last session)
- Day 4, 13:00 (01:00): Keyboard Enthusiast Meetup
- Day 4, 13:00 (01:00): Kick-off Subscribe 12 | Saal X 07
- Day 4, 13:00 (01:00): Meet the Maintainers
- Day 4, 13:00 (01:00): The Hackers Who Brunch - Day 4 | Milliways
- Day 4, 13:00 (01:00): Vector Variations (Day 4 13:00) | Art & Play Bus Stage (H)
- Day 4, 13:00 (01:30): The InSnider: Mein erstes Mal Congress - 38C3 Ausgabe | Podcast Tisch (X 12)
- Day 4, 13:00 (02:00): BoF: Coordinating a Windows 10-to-Linux upcycling campaign across Free Software communities worldwide | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 4, 13:00 (02:00): Dancy playfight -- physical explorations between roughhousing and contact improvisation. | SoS Saal E
- Day 4, 13:00 (02:30): Music Generation for Newbies / Learn to Solder workshop -- ArduTouch music synthesizer | Hardware Hacking Area -- Upper
- Day 4, 13:00 (04:00): Naplap Screenings
- Day 4, 13:00 (05:00): Smicki | Chill Floor
- Day 4, 13:30 (00:30): Designing M.A.R.S. Tesseract-1: An ecologically sustainable all-vegan astronaut training facility | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 4, 13:30 (00:30): Was kann man nach der Schule machen? | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 4, 13:30 (00:45): A counterexample to the axiom of choice (in the effective topos, an alternative mathematical universe) | KliMathematik Augsburg, look in description
- Day 4, 13:30 (01:00): Basics of software publication | Stage YELL
- Day 4, 13:30 (01:00): Esperanto Schnupperkurs / Esperanto Lightning course | SoS Saal 6
- Day 4, 13:30 (02:00): Live Musik programmieren mit Sonic Pi (Fortgeschrittene) | Saal A - Programmierplätze
- Day 4, 13:45 (01:00): Museum hacker meetup | House of Tea
- Day 4, 13:50 (00:40): From Convenience to Contagion: The Libarchive Vulnerabilities Lurking in Windows 11 | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 4, 13:50 (00:40): Microbes vs. Mars: A Hacker's Guide to Finding Alien Life | Saal GLITCH
- Day 4, 13:50 (00:40): Small seeds - why funding new ideas matters | Stage HUFF
- Day 4, 13:50 (00:40): identity theft, credit card fraud and cloaking services – how state-sponsored propaganda makes use of the cyber criminal toolbox | Saal 1
- Day 4, 14:00 (00:25): Before there was #metoo | UAct! Assembly
- Day 4, 14:00 (00:30): Everyone VS. MP3 - Audio Datei-Formate für DJs und co. | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 4, 14:00 (00:30): Z-Wave Long Range as a local private sub-G network - applications and security | CDC Mini Stage
- Day 4, 14:00 (01:00): Bits & Bäume Community Meetup | B&B Wohnzimmerlounge
- Day 4, 14:00 (01:00): ChaosCyclingClub
- Day 4, 14:00 (01:00): Netzneutralität in Deutschland: Willst du schnelleres Internet? | Saal 5
- Day 4, 14:00 (01:00): Programming LED Badges with Python and Go (self-guided)
- Day 4, 14:00 (01:00): Queercoding in "Star Wars: Die Hohe Republik" - Eine detaillierte Analyse der Beziehung von Lula Talisola und Zeen Mrala | SoS Saal D
- Day 4, 14:00 (01:00): SearchClub Meet Up
- Day 4, 14:00 (01:00): destruction day4.2 | Call for Art (GAME)
- Day 4, 14:00 (01:30): Drop‐In IoT Cat Lamp Soldering (Day 4) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower
- Day 4, 14:00 (01:30): Pythonkurs für absolute Anfänger*innen – Alumnaei-Treffen | Haecksen-Assembly
- Day 4, 14:00 (02:00): Fantastisches Geschichten Erzählen im Kidspace 4 | Kidspace - Affenfelsen
- Day 4, 14:00 (03:00): GNU Boot install'party II | CDC Circle
- Day 4, 14:20 (00:30): Nackenentspannung für Langsitzer
- Day 4, 14:30 (00:30): Basic ideas of string theory | "KliMathematik Augsburg" Table
- Day 4, 14:30 (00:30): Rekordbox, gib mir meine Daten! - Überblick von Datenzugriff in DJ Software & Hardware | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 4, 14:30 (01:30): Building your own Z-Wave devices and controllers | CDC Pentagon
- Day 4, 14:45 (00:40): Find My * 101 | Saal 1
- Day 4, 14:45 (00:40): Observability is just Contextualized Monitoring. Change my mind. | Stage HUFF
- Day 4, 14:45 (00:40): Von Ionen zu Daten: Die Funktionsweise und Relevanz von (Quadrupol-)Massenspektrometern | Saal GLITCH
- Day 4, 14:45 (00:40): corebooting Intel-based systems | Saal ZIGZAG
- Day 4, 14:45 (01:00): What's inside my train ticket? | Stage YELL
- Day 4, 14:45 (01:15): Your Notes, Our Conversation: Unpacking Ethical Non-Monogamy | SoS Saal 6
- Day 4, 15:00 (00:30): How Yang-Mills theory works: See U(n) there! | SoS Saal E
- Day 4, 15:00 (00:45): Pennsemmel Podcast | Podcast Tisch (X 12)
- Day 4, 15:00 (01:00): Filigrane Sabotage – (wie) geht das? (may contain Illegal Instructions) – Wissensaustausch | Erwachsenen-Bällebad 1. Stock
- Day 4, 15:00 (01:00): Hack the Beat: Opensource DJ Workshop! | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 4, 15:00 (01:00): Post-Congress Blues | House of Tea
- Day 4, 15:00 (02:00): 5 minute intro to Godot
- Day 4, 15:00 (02:00): Bingo | B&B Wohnzimmerlounge
- Day 4, 15:00 (02:45): Erste Schritte in der Spieleentwicklung mit Löve 2D | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 4, 15:15 (01:30): Austauschtreffen zu kollektivem Leben und nicht-familiären Verantwortungsgemeinschaften | SoS Saal D
- Day 4, 15:30 (00:15): In science we trust, in unicorns we believe - Gemeinsames Bekenntnis
- Day 4, 15:30 (00:25): Mobile Verification Toolkit | B&B Workshop Area
- Day 4, 15:30 (00:45): Kein Fahrschein? Kein Knast! – How To Bürger*innenantrag | SoS Saal E
- Day 4, 15:45 (00:40): Philosophical, Ethical and Legal Aspects of Brain-Computer Interfaces | Saal GLITCH
- Day 4, 16:00 (00:42): Green Tech Hackathon Reunion
- Day 4, 16:00 (01:00): Burners meet-up #4
- Day 4, 16:00 (01:00): Lokalnews-Mining | Stage YELL
- Day 4, 16:00 (01:00): UI/UX Design meet | SoS Saal 6
- Day 4, 16:00 (02:00): How to add I2P and Tor support to your application | CDC Pentagon
- Day 4, 16:00 (02:00): Sauna @ Hafen until 3 a.m.
- Day 4, 16:00 (02:00): Soldering Sound Kits with Alwin (Day 4) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Lower
- Day 4, 16:00 (02:00): Soldering Sound/Video Kits with Noisio (Day 4) | Hardware Hacking Area -- Upper
- Day 4, 16:00 (02:15): MIMIZAN | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 4, 16:15 (00:30): Mathematicians board a plane | "KliMathematik Augsburg" Table
- Day 4, 16:15 (00:45): Inclusive Design Event Meetup
- Day 4, 16:15 (01:00): Media as a weapon in Ukraine and in Germany | UAct! Assembly
- Day 4, 16:30 (00:45): Jugendarbeit im Chaos - Ein Jahresrückblick | Youth Operation Centre Forum (GF1)
- Day 4, 16:30 (01:15): Raus aus der Shitshow, rein in die Zukunft | SoS Saal E
- Day 4, 16:40 (00:40): Wie man auch mit FOSS Katastrophen-Warnungen bekommt | Stage HUFF
- Day 4, 16:40 (01:00): Security Nightmares | Saal 1
- Day 4, 16:40 (01:00): Touchdesigner pt2: rapid prototyping with node based coding
- Day 4, 16:40 (01:15): 38C3: Infrastructure Review | Saal GLITCH
- Day 4, 16:45 (01:00): Über die Hintergründe von Hierarchien, Religion und klassischen Gesellschaftsstrukturen - Teil 2 | SoS Saal D
- Day 4, 17:00 (01:00): Adversarial Attacks against Image Recognition Systems | SoS Saal 6
- Day 4, 17:00 (01:00): Legal Destruction – Der Kidspace wird defragmentiert! | Kidspace - Affenfelsen
- Day 4, 18:00 (00:40): 38C3: Return to legal constructions | Saal 1
- Day 4, 18:00 (00:42): To the last drop! Hold that tear(-down)... | House of Tea
- Day 4, 18:00 (00:45): Anime Charaktere und Persönlichkeitsstörungen - Ein Überblick | SoS Saal 6
- Day 4, 18:00 (00:45): Closing (Stream aus Saal 1) | Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
- Day 4, 18:00 (00:45): Let's talk about the not talking about Gaza | SoS Saal D
- Day 4, 18:15 (00:45): Pet View | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 4, 19:00 (01:00): Lumpenmusik mit Lumpeninstrumenten - Kleine Reise durch die Geschichte der Bordunzither | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 4, 20:00 (01:00): Rediscovering Lost Scores - Wendy Carlos Reimagined | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 4, 21:00 (01:00): ACHTUNG NEUER ZUGANG ZUR LOUNGE!! | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 4, 22:00 (01:00): Jetzt werd ich dumm! - live Band | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 4, 23:00 (00:59): Siegfried Kärcher 38c3 Demoscene Hybrid Live/DJ Set | Chaos Computer Music Club
Day 5 (2024-12-31)
- Day 5, 00:00 (02:00): Wandowaiato - wE aRE nOT dROPPING oUT, wE aRE iNFILTRATING aND tAKING oVER | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 5, 00:01 (01:59): Power Suff Girls | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 5, 02:00 (02:00): M. Morellion | Chaos Computer Music Club
- Day 5, 02:00 (02:00): TBA | Chaos Computer Music Club
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